The next round in the RCBBL started with my humans Ye Olde Giants vs the Elf team the Outriders. Both coming off a victory and full of confidence. The stadium had more Outrider fans in today giving them the edge in support.
The Giants elected to receive the ball and eagerly awaited the ball. Cheering fans sent an extra re roll the Outriders way.
The Giants scooped up the ball and started a drive up the right side.
The Outriders rushed to contain the drive. The Giants unable to punch a hole through the Outriders line switched the side of attack and pushed forward.
The lightly armoured Giants catcher used his speed to run past the defending elves (with a little help from the linemen). He handed it off to a catcher ready down field and that catcher sprinted for the end zone
Ye Olde Giants 1 - 0 The Outriders
The teams set up again and with a terrible kick the Giants boot the ball as far as just behind the scimmage. The ball bounces happily into the Outrider Blitzers hands who is stood on the line of scrimmage. Not the best start for the Giants!
Predictably and why the hell not after the gift off a kick off the Outriders plough forward.
The Giants rush to contain the lightning fast elves.

The Outriders managed to break away from the Giants defence.
The ball was handed to the Outrider catcher, who put his head down and ran forward.
Ye Olde Giants 1 - 1 The Outriders
All this action in just the first 5 Turns!
Ball was kicked off again to the Giants. Who picked it up and made a push forward. The Outrider defence pushed back leaving a Giant lineman in a heap on the floor. The stretcher bearers carried the lineman to the Injury box.
The Giants pressed onwards. The thrower passed it to the catcher who spotted a gap and made a break for the end zone.
Ye Olde Giants 2-1 The Outriders
Halftime meant the Outriders were receiving the ball. Just before the kick off the excitement was to much for the crowd and they invaded the pitch!
Once the crowds had been cleared off the pitch, 4 Outriders and the Giants Ogre were left lying stunned on the ground. The Outriders had a torrid time picking the ball, then trying to throw the ball but missing the intended target and the Giants seized the opportunity given by the pitch invasion. A press forward met they scooped up the ball.
The Outriders players chased after the attacking Giants and managed to get the ball loose.
Players all charged towards the ball.
With a mix of players surrounding the ball. The Outrider Blitzer stepped forward and picked the ball up right under a linesman nose and launched it out of the crowded area towards the waiting Catcher.
The Giants couldn't believe what had happened with that throw, the whole game turned around. The only players nearby were a thrower and lineman. Unfortunately they could not take the player down, Only push him back. With time running out the player handed it off to the catcher who dodged away from Giants. He then ran down the edge of the pitch.
The Outriders player ran towards the end zone and after passing 2 Going for It rolls they scored!
Ye Olde Giants 2-2 The Outriders
With only one turn left the Outriders kicked off to the Giants. In the town left the Giants blocked the closest players but no injuries caused. With that the whistle blew for full time!
The match ended with 4 touchdowns and 3 casualties. 2 on the Outriders team and 2 on the Ye Olde Giants. All were just badly hurt and will be back in action again next time. MVPs were worked out. One of the Outriders Blitzers levelled up gaining dodge. One of the Giants lineman levelled up gaining Block.
That was a cracking match. A good number of touchdowns but man those Elves can pull passes and catches out of nowhere!