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Sunday 25 February 2024

The leader Arrives Along with some Heavy Support

 The leader has been painted!

*Cough* Any resemblance to any characters and n 40k is purely coincidental *cough*

Man all that decoration on his armour was a pain! But he looks quite cool inam absolutely loving this yellow I have to say.   Sadly I would have liked a generic chapter master index card so people can make their own chapters up but their isn't so this guy will just be a captain in terminator armour (Highly modified obviously).  

Next up is a big boy , my dreadnought 

It looks really cool, not hugely sold on the pose but after looking at Etsy store picture I realised I can adjust it some what. So lesson learned  for next time. It provides a nice armoured punch I'm after.

Just waiting on one more package to arrive hopefully this week for some more armour busting 

Thursday 8 February 2024

More Lion Warriors!

 I have been on a bit of a painting spree! I have got a massive chunk of my space marines painted in fact all but one dreadnought and my leader are done! And I even had a small game with them !

First up is 

Is some blade guard and a captain / lieutenant. These were born from one of the companies sending me the wrong squad so free extra models is always good! I'm still loving the yellow I have to say.

Then I did some core troops that can be intercessors, heavy intercessors  and tactical squad. Depending on what I want

The bolt weapons have slightly different magazines so that's how I will tell them apart. The bolt weapons are awesome looking. 

Then we have some lieutenants 

These can bolster my squads with lethal hits .

Last up is my terminator squad  

That's it I can get cracking on the leader now!