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Sunday 9 September 2018

Operation Red Herring (Konflikt 47 Battle Rep)

Tonight's battlefield

Operation Red Herring was a go! The British para force moved into final positions ready for the attack command (See mission brief here). There was a brief panic when 2 german trucks drive past towards the factory 

The 'Herring Cannery' goes about its day to say business
The Dastardley Professor Lange directs operations
The British force await the command

The British Lieutenant gave the word and the paras started to move up

Paratroopers push into the woods the last but of cover before the factory
Professor Lange moves to open the Totenkorp pens for the next delivery

Lt Jenkins signalled the light mortar team to launch smoke infront of the bunkers

Smoke goes slightly off target
Professor Lange opens up the pens
The SAS squad rush forward to some carelessly left logs close to a bunker

The on watch German MMG team hears a clanking and out of the woods steps a British Guardian walker.  HMG bullets ricochet off the bunkers rim.

"Achtung Tommie Robotor!!"

The British Snipers spot the movement in the top of the bunker

"Got him Colin, take your shot "

Lt Jenkins blows his hunting horn and a squad of Paratroopers burst from the woods.

"Up and at em boys!!"

Professor Lange on hearing gunfire realises somehow the cursed British have seen through his factories cover of being a cannery. He sends a squad of Totenkorps between the bunkers to block the road and be between him and the British

"geh meine Kreationen!"

Another squad of Paratroopers burst out the words hoping to cover the cleared ground without taking to much fire

"Sarge can not believe we made that!"

The Totenkorps moved down the only road towards the British force


The Guardian walker "Daisy" spotted the Totenkorps and flexed  it's fists

"Come on then let's have it!!!"

The Guardian walker plough forward and smashes into the Totenkorps. A swift and bloody fight erupted but there was  only really going to be one winner

Daisy crushed the Totenkorps like grapes

Daisys crew member with their blood up pushed forward. A plume of smoke trailed from the nearest bunker and a Panzerfaust took out the walker slicing through its armour like a knife through hit butter


The SAS squad down a man had reached the bunker line but was caught in the open and gunned down all except the NCO.

SAS fail to make cover in time

Professor Lange cursing the walker as it tore his precious creations to pieces  but his curses were turned to and evil cackle as a Panzerfaust struck the accursed machine and blew it up.  From the door way of the factory he urged the Totenkorps from the pens forward . He does not notice the squad of Paratroopers pushing up the left flank.


The British Paras on the left flank creep on behind a low wall.  The paratroopers on the right flank were having a hard fight as the Totenkorps shuffled towards them.

"Sssh Keep it down lads !"
The column of Totenkorps heads towards the British Paras

Lt Jenkins pushes up to the remaining SAS  man's position with snipers providing cover fire .

"Push on chaps!"
"Got the blighter!"

After failing 2 order tests Lt Jenkins moves up encourage the lone SAS man

"Come on chap! Pour it on the buggers! !"

This seems to help and together they take out the NCO of the last sqaud defending the factory but at the last minute another German jump in front and takes the bullet. The NCO  let's out a sigh of relief before a sniper bullets takes him out. The squad seeing this panic and make a run for it.

"NCO down!"

On the right flank the paratroopers had TotenKorps coming at them and a bunker full of germans to their left. Deciding shooting would give them more of a chance they broke to open ground and half their number were gunned down! The rest had seen enough and retreated.  The light mortar crew tried to drop a mortar on the factory in the hope of hitting Professor Lange but missed and were wiped out by the watching German MMG. 

Technically at this point the turn limit was reached and we rolled no extra turn. So my opponent took the scenario win as I had not made it into factory. However we both felt the story was not finished as both sides had been mauled but several things could  still happen and we are all about the cinematic story so we agreed to carry on.

The Paratroopers still untouched in the rushes the Totenkorp factory door where Professor Lange was cowering.

"Dies ist eine Konservenfabrik"

The Tommies were not convinced and a swift punch rendered Professer Lange unconcious. (We had decided at the start if Professor was took out in close combat he would be captured).

"Good Morning Lange! "
Sniper tries a shot through the bunkers biewing slit and out the rest door taking out a zombie but he missed.

Outside the SAS man realised the danger of the incoming TotenKorps. He urged Lt Jenkins to get away and as the officer backed away the SAS man turned and emptied his captured MP40 at the TotenKorps taking down 2 but the rest tore into him.
Here we stopped as it was late. We decided that the Paratroopers would have managed to get the factory destroyed and Professor Lange captured as the snipers had the Germans in the bunker covered leaving only a Squad of TotenKorps left outside.  We deemed a squad of Paratroopers should be able to outwit a squad of TotenKorps.  However as the British were so badly mauled getting home would be no simple  matter. So now I am thinking of a scenario for our next game with the British trying to get back to their lines .


Lt Jenkins spotted the paratroopers waving from factory. Lt Jenkins signalled on his radio
*Fisherman i repeat Fisherman!! Wait one. Jerry can I say again Jerry Can" he put the radio back in his radio man and turned round the the men.
"Lets go chaps!  Arthur no poking the TotenKorps!!"

The British have Professor Lange but can they make it back to their lines??


  1. Cracking game and a cracking write up to match!! The Okkultekorps must save Lange - otherwise his plans for advanced Totenkorps will never be realised!

    1. Hopefully Lt Jenkins can make it back through the lines!!
