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Monday 13 August 2018


Krunk is my half orc fighter.  I wanted a half orc as they are brilliant fighters being tough and doing extra critical hit damage.
Krunk background choice was a folk hero.  His armour and shield make him tough to hit and his axe can dish out damage.

Krunks parents story was a tale of forbidden love. Born to a human male and orc female he lived with his mother in the hills just outside of his father's village.  His father would sneak up every night to see them.  Everyone in the village knew but Krunks father was a kindly man who had lost his first wife at an early age ao none of the villagers begrudged him a bit of happiness but their Lord was a vicious and tryrannical ruler who would have killed krunk and his mother if he had found out.
One day while krunk was out exploring the woods he heard a commotion at one of the villages out lying farms. He went to investigate, from his hiding place in the woods he saw some of the Lord's men surrounding the farm hut arguing with the farmer.
"You have not paid enough tax to Lord scum" one greasy looking soldier said.
"I have ! I have ! I paid in full last month" the farmer cried.
"Well we've raised it!" Came the reply
"Wha. .. what we can't afford to pay more! The Lord already takes most of what earn" the farmer begged.
"Well then we will have to think of something else." The apparently in charge soldier said scratching at small beard.
"What about his daughter's Cedric?" another soldier yelled,
Cedric eyes took on an evil stare,
"Yes  that sounds fair, I've noticed your daughter before the other one is a bit young for my tastes bit im sire someone here will have a turn.  That sounds like fair payment"
"No no no you can't!! Please don't!!" The farmer rushed forward but a soldier punched him to the ground. Screams erupted from inside the hit as soldiers dragged out 2 girls one 15 the other 8. The farmer kept struggling but was held firm by a soldier,  Cedric turned to him "These will fulfil your payment just fine . I'll go first " he grabbed the oldest daughter and started back towards the hut.  The farmer fought and kicked but the soldiers laughed and hit him to the ground.
Krunk thought to himself "people think orcs are savage". He couldn't let these soldiers do this.  He charged out of the woods grabbing a large tree branch as he went. His war cry filled the air, the soldoers turned in shock to see this almost 7ft half orc charging at them.  Krunk swung his improvised club at the first soldier and crushed his skull. He leapt at the next one. Pandemonium broke out, soldiers rushing at Krunk and he fought like a demon. Soon 6 soldiers lay dead and Krunk stood now holding a bloodied axe. Cedric stormed out of the hut "What is going on here!! Can't a man have some peace and quiet!" He suddenly stopped, seeing the crumpled bodies of his men.  "You're a bad man" Krunk said walking towards Cedric, who turned to face Krunk.
"Ah the half orc I've heard rumours about you and your filthy beast of a mother. Now I know they are true I'll come for you filth!" Cedric snarled.
"Not ever" Krunk said swinging the axe taking off Cedrics head. His face had such a look of surprise that someone would dare attack him. The farmer stared at Krunk in fear. "They wont hurt you again " Krunk said as he walked away carrying the battleaxe.
The local legend started there, obvously the Lord said how his men were attacked by a savage beast while they valiantly tried to defend the farmer and his family. A bounty was put out on Krunk but none of the villagers ever tried to look as the farmer had said what really happened.  Soon the story went from 6 soldiers to 15, to 25 etc.  Krunk was raised in the wood so knew all the trails and pathways  so ran rings around the Lord's men.  He helped the blacksmith out when some soldiers tried to smash his forge  and in repayment the blacksmith left a chainmail suit and shield for Krunk to find. After being on the run for a year Krunks mother begged him to leave the land and live out a life where he isn't hunted so he took up his axe, shield and armour. Embraced his mother and left the Lord's lands to discover what's out there but secretly he vowed to return and kill the Lord.

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