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Friday 3 May 2024

The Lion Warriors


My space marine chapter is the Lion warriors . The wiki has very little info about them which works well for me as now I can add my own fluff!

So here goes nothing

Home planet - Nimbicor's Fall

Fortress - Vigilance Eternal

Nimbicors Fall is a savanna planet in the Segmentum Obscurus. Long rolling plains of grassy lands with light tree cover. Great herds of beasts roam these plains and are looked after by the various tribes . The planet is hardly scared by industry. There are only 4 major hive cities and the Lion Warrior Fortress monastery Vigilance Eternal that disrupt the savanna land. The hive cities are essentially space ports for the tribes to deliver there beasts to. The meat is then sold off world or as imperial tythe. The plains are ruled over by the Tribes , some owning great swathes of land others being nomads. The hives each have a ruling household and a court of other prominent households, all manoeuvring for position and power but all are subject to the power of the Lion Warriors with the chapter master taking the ancient title of Lion King . 

Nimbicors Fall has only one mountain range and there is one large mountain taller than any hive on the planet and there carved into it is Vigilance Eternal. The Lion Warriors home base. Every year the great plains in front of the fortress are home to a giant set of games where the tribes from all over the planet send their best and brightest to compete and potentially be spotted by the Lion Warriors as new recruits.  Not all those who win are selected but those who impress the Lion Warrior Shamans (Librarians to you and me) with strength of character displays of heroism. 

The Great Rift caused carnage but thankfully for the Lion Warriors a large majority of their chapter were in the local systems to the planet and a fierce battle against rapidly appearing demon forces erupted. PDF guard regiments battled in the hives against chaos cults that used the rift as an opportunity to rise up. While the Lion Warriors engaged in the plains against horses of demons. The tribes suffered greatly , their warriors to proud not to defend their planet from this ethereal enemy but ultimately they stood no chance. Lion warriors created redoubts which sheltered the tribes and drew the demons in so the Lion Warriors could concentrate their power. The Lion Warrior Shamans (Librarians to everyday 40k fans) stopped demons appearing inside the redoubts giving the Lion Warriors a vital chance. Jeruel the chapter master appeared at many of these redoubts when the fighting was thickest. Using ancient teleportation tech he used his battle barge to provide a platform where he could gather information and assess where he was needed most. Then he would teleport down with his terminators and provide much needed relief. Slowly the redoubts started to fall to the demon onslaught. Vigilance Eternal protected by ancient magics weathered the attack fairly well but even the magic here was failing against the power of the warp. Jeruel teleported down to his chapters fortress and prepared the defences. It was at this point local vox networks burst into life with new transmissions and elements of the Indomitus Crusade had arrived. With fresh reinforcements the world was cleansed of demons. The chapter received a host of new Primaris marines to bolster their thinned ranks. 

The current chapter master also known as the Lion King is Jeruel Tamandro. He still holds many of these records from before he was a space marines. A huge giant of a man took the games by storm proving unbeatable in all events. 
He was raised in the Middle Spear clan, helping from an early age herd the mighty Grox but as he got older and bigger he could almost wrestle a Grox to the ground single handed. After he conquered all in the games he was swiftly selected to join the Lion Warriors. From there he rose through the ranks quickly.
His terminator armour has been specially forged to fit his immense bulk. As chapter master he wields the Lion Warriors greatest artifact the Dusk Song. A huge normally 2 handed sword but due to Jeruels immense size he can wield it one handed. (For this character I shall be using Logan Grimnir rules just swapping the axe for a sword)

Azrial Salanus is a shaman in the Lion Chapter. A librarian to most people in the Imperium but Shaman is used as an honorific to the tribes and individuals on Nimbicor's Fall. 
Abandoned in the plains by unknown parents he was found by a tribal elder. Who took him and raised him like her own child. From an early age Azrial seemed to have psychic powers. Called the Sight by the tribes people he was soon tracked down by the Lion Warriors for training as a librarian. 

Brother Rostorn  is a dreadnought for the Lion Warriors . Before he was interred into a dreadnought body Rostorn was a marine of the 3rd company. He was involved in a tryanid incursion on Plutames Three, while holding an access tunnel open for refugees fleeing the oncoming swarm Rosturn led his squad in a slow methodical retreat . Laying down withering volleys of bolter fire his squad held the swarm back. With the refugees inside the besieged hive Rostorn ordered his squad inside, at the last second he was struck down by the tryanids living ammunition. He closed the hatch with one hand and fired his bolter with his other hand all the while the living ammunition ravaged his body.  The emperor was watching that day though, when the hatch  was closed a squad of terminators from the first company appeared and ordered the hatch open as the tryanid filth was to be cleansed. The hatch opened and a hail of fire crushed the tryanids. Miraculously Rosturn was hanging onto life and taken away to be put inside the confined of the dreadnought as a reward for his heroic action. 

Fast attack for the Lion Warriors is  Storm Speeder 4! Ready to deliver an anti armour punch to the enemy. 


Wednesday 24 April 2024

A new Project is started......

 While I was browsing Etsy (Always a dangerous game) I discovered starship troopers!! 

I mean 6mm starship troopers but starship troopers none the less. But 6mm means I can have a bug horde that takes up very little space

For starters I purchased a set of 50 odd mobile infantry, 10 bugs and some outpost walls. They all came still with the 3D print supports attached so I spent a few evenings getting them off. I only managed to damage a few models (it's my first time having to do this ) bit nothing major. 

Now they are all off their supports I can look at priming and painting. I need more bugs for that truly swarm type game. 

Wednesday 27 March 2024

My Recent Efforts

 Had a couple of projects on the go and have finally completed them.  First up is my Astra Militarum Platoon Command Squad.  These ar Grimguard from station forge and make lovely Krieg models. 

Nice and simple and they match my Krieg scheme.

Next is another Krieg squad I like to brand Krieg jungle fighters

These guys are cool Krieg without their jackets. My dreams of a massive Krieg blog are now available!

And last a cool little battle tracker printed for me by my friend Dave. 

This should help me keep track of VP and CP. I have an app but I use the 40k app for my army list so bit of a faff to go through different apps while playing. 

That's it for now . Have a great day!

Sunday 24 March 2024

Bolt Action at Safe Haven Gaming

 Today I got to play in a mini Bolt Action  tournament  at my gaming club Safe Haven Gaming . Only 4 participants but fun was had!

My list was airborne and commando.

Safe Haven Airborne

Reinforced Platoon 998 pts 12 Order Dice


Artillery Forward Observer (Forward Observer) Regular (free)

Composition: 1 Soldiers

2nd Lieutenant (Ofcer) Regular (60pts)

Composition: 1 Ofcer + 1 Soldiers

Paratroop Section Veteran (83pts)

Paratroop Section Veteran (83pts)

Composition: 1 NCO + 4 Soldiers


Commando Section Veteran (191pts)

Composition: 1 NCO + 9 Soldiers

Veteran Infantry Section (Late War) Veteran (81pts)

Composition: 1 NCO + 5 Soldiers

Medium Mortar Team Regular (60pts)

Sniper Team Regular (50pts)

Flamethrower Team Regular (50pts)


QF 6-PDR Regular (75pts)

Tanks and Tank Destroyers

Cruiser Tank MK VIII Cromwell Regular (205pts)

Transports and Tows

Bren Carrier Regular (60pts)

First game up was against another paratrooper list 

The prep bombardment gave everyone pins. My Bren carrier was destroyed and 2 of his flame jeeps were destroyed. The battle raged for 8 turns! Both sides took a beating, my sniper was useless and didn't do a thing! After adding all the VPs up I took the win by 3 or 4 . 

The last game was against Germans. Not.maby infantry but 2 huge Panzer 4s!! I failed my prep bombardment roll and got hammered by my opponents. 2 pins on everything and my arty observer was taken out. From then on I struggled to move anywhere with pins  and was pounded by the tanks. My poor Cromwell was hammered by shots set on fire twice and turret jammed.  When it finally could move I thought let's go and it charged forward but missed a point blank shot.

Surrounded my Cromwell survived another turn and then it died . 

I called the game when I had 1 unit left as everything else had been destroyed. A true stomping!

But awesome fun getting to play 2 games in one day .

Monday 18 March 2024

The Lion Warriors have Arrived

 Decided to do a post about my whole space marine army now I have painted all the units I own. So time for a group shot. Here are my Lion Warriors.

Looks quite good I think

The HQ element of my army. My terminator captain (As they don't have a generic chapter master index card). A captain and 3 Lieutenants

The first part of armies hard hitting section is 10 terminators with storm bolters and assault cannons.  Ready to pummel the enemy from close distance.

Then we have the assault terminators ready to deep strike and tear up the enemy be it infantry or vehicle. Now the specialists

My Hellblaster squad ready to fling plasma at the enemy 

The Infernus squad step up to burn the heretic and Xenos!

Next is 2 squads of blade guard ready to hand out the emperors justice by blade

Now we have the line infantry for space marines. These 2 squads can be intercessors or a tactical squad. Holding objectives and laying down bolter fire.

 My heavy support units are my dreadnought and Storm Speeder Hammer Strike.

And that is my army comes in at just under 2200 points.  Can't wait to have a big game with them as I think they look really good and the yellow makes then stand out. 

Friday 15 March 2024

The Road ahead 2024 (wow that sounds professional)

 Now I know it's March but I thought I would have a think about the year to come in model terms . I don't have any definite plans for the year when it comes to models due to growing space limitations but here's my thoughts anyway.

I have my 2 armies now, I never want to say I am done as there is always extra stuff I would like. 

Imperial Guard - I have plenty of points worth of guard so they are mostly fine in my eyes . It would have to be something very special to catch my eye. I am always looking at a Cavalry unit but that's a big chunk of space that will be taken up. I think realistically a few more artillery type tanks or chimera (another super heavy sounds fun but would never use them so a bit of a waste of money)would be possible . I really like my missile tank from Culverin models so another one of those would be good .

Space Marines - My Lion Warriors have a solid core of troops but I feel I do need some more melee units like assault intercessors and some more Heavy weapons. So this might be a focus on the coming months. 

No new armies I think (Don't want to tie myself down here ) for me in Bolt Action I quite fancy Americans but space is a premium so it would have to be a super elite force. So probably no new armies on the horizon. It will most likely me getting to grips with my British so I can actually play with them (see my previous post), maybe adding a few units here and there.

I'm going to stick konflikt 47 in with bolt action as it's short update. I am awaiting what Warlord plan on doing with Konflikt 47 before I do anything more with this game

Other games 

I'm determined to play my zombie game Last Days at some point this year. 

My friend wants me to show him Across the Dead Earth as well which will require some good remembering of the rules. 

 I have Xenos rampant and I still want to do the aliens Vs colonial marines 15mm game. 

I really got excited by the news of Legion Imperialis and then it was released set in the Horus heresy so none of the other races will be involved so my interest immediately dropped (I wanted a huge waaaargh!).

I really should play Fallout more but the rules are so much! Though Modiphus are releasing what appears to be a smaller simpler version of fallout set in Nuka world so this maybe simpler to play but alas to late I have invested in Fallout!

Fallout factions is the new game 

The rest of the games I can think of at this time, Victory at sea models wise I'm pretty much done with that have no real urge to upgrade my fleets so they can happily be played with . 

Rumble slam I'm ok with I may pick up a new wrestler here and there. I would like to play this more not sure of people remember the TCW? That would be cool but even little matches like that take ages to do for a blog post. 

 Gaslands I love and have plenty of vehicles for my only issue with it is, if you have say 3 players with 2 or 3 cars each the game takes ages! Probably could limit it down to 1 car for time purposes. 

Tanks Modern Age is now defunct so the models are in the loft but my kids liked that game so I'll keep it on standby by rainy days off school. 

Stargrave I really want to play this game but have no one to play it with at minute but I can make a crew as I only really need a captain and first mate and the odd character. My guard models would cover the soldiers. 

I still really want a space ship game. X wing won't cut it as I could never remember the best combo of cards to play with and that seemed to be where the game was going. Armada was awesome but expensive to get in. I really should have another look through my Billion suns rulebook.

That's about it at the moment I'm sure there is more .....there's al

ways more!

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Wargaming and it's Frustrations


Have you ever felt an army just will never win for you even though it makes no sense as it's not just about an army it's how you use it. I love Bolt Action, the setting, the game rules and the models but man am I bad at it ... Well at least it feels like it. I don't think I have ever won though I could be wrong lol I did draw once . I just can't seem to get a grips with the Brits . I listen to plenty of podcasts so I know they win most tournaments with super meta lists but that is just not how I wanna play the game (I don't enter super competitive tournaments). So where do I go?

 1) Well the easy answer is keep trying and do some research into what units really help out Brits . Last night I tried Mauri soldiers instead of regulars and had the same problem (Now admittedly that was very likely down to my shocking dice rolls where for the first four turns I couldn't roll a 5 or 6 to save my life). The Mauris once in close combat did what they were designed to do and kicked butt but getting them there was my issue . 

2) I need to find and settle on a style of play. Do I use my British army or British Airborne ? Or maybe a combination of the both ?

The next game will defo try an airborne commando mix and see what happens.

3) learn all the rules and use them! I need to remember to use reserves and outflank. Last nights game the prep bombardment laid out pins on both our armies. If I had units in reserve they wouldn't have been effected. Outflank always seems a bit cheeky but it's perfectly acceptable I just have to remember to use it on my units that it's designed for. (Proper use for my SAS) . 

4) Going to research what units I am missing, do I need an artillery piece? Use my transports more? I need to start watching some battle reports. 

It's wierd how I don't have the same feeling s about my Imperial Guard and I lose all the time with them ! I guess maybe cos they are the 40ks whipping boys so it's expected much like halflings in Blood Bowl . 

In conclusion to my pointless waffle , don't give up keep and keep at it. Just got to find a build that works ! 

I have been pouring a lot of effort into 40k recently so I really should give some back to Bolt Action and quit moaning. Also if the dice gods could grant me some luck that would be great 👍

Monday 4 March 2024


 Another Lion Warrior addition!! My tank hunter has arrived , skimming low over the battlefield looking for any enemy armour is my Storm Speeder Hammer strike. 

It's another proxy from station forge. I do love the yellow but this vehicle does have a striking resemblance to Thunderbird 4!!!!! (Thanks Matt!!!!) But I shall embrace and hum the thunderbird theme while it's blowing stuff up!!!

Sunday 25 February 2024

The leader Arrives Along with some Heavy Support

 The leader has been painted!

*Cough* Any resemblance to any characters and n 40k is purely coincidental *cough*

Man all that decoration on his armour was a pain! But he looks quite cool inam absolutely loving this yellow I have to say.   Sadly I would have liked a generic chapter master index card so people can make their own chapters up but their isn't so this guy will just be a captain in terminator armour (Highly modified obviously).  

Next up is a big boy , my dreadnought 

It looks really cool, not hugely sold on the pose but after looking at Etsy store picture I realised I can adjust it some what. So lesson learned  for next time. It provides a nice armoured punch I'm after.

Just waiting on one more package to arrive hopefully this week for some more armour busting 

Thursday 8 February 2024

More Lion Warriors!

 I have been on a bit of a painting spree! I have got a massive chunk of my space marines painted in fact all but one dreadnought and my leader are done! And I even had a small game with them !

First up is 

Is some blade guard and a captain / lieutenant. These were born from one of the companies sending me the wrong squad so free extra models is always good! I'm still loving the yellow I have to say.

Then I did some core troops that can be intercessors, heavy intercessors  and tactical squad. Depending on what I want

The bolt weapons have slightly different magazines so that's how I will tell them apart. The bolt weapons are awesome looking. 

Then we have some lieutenants 

These can bolster my squads with lethal hits .

Last up is my terminator squad  

That's it I can get cracking on the leader now!