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Thursday 7 April 2022

Imperial Guard Force


I thought I've mentioned my Imperial Guard Force but never actually gone through the whole thing. I've tried to gather it as cheap as possible and handily my friend Matts flat appears to be a black hole for old Games Workshop figures and I have borrowed or brought a few things off him. We are using the crusade system so a few units I can't technically use yet in our games but everything is here for your eyes to look at.

The Whole Force 

My characters. 1 commissar, 3 officers and a proxy Vindicare Assassin

My command squad 

2 Heavy weapon Squads

2 squads of 10 Guardsmen, one with a Las Cannon the other with a heavy bolter 

My veteran squad. The Eagle eyed among you will not e these are Schaeffer’s Last Chancers! 

 Assault Intercessors from the Dark Kraken chapter 

Intolerant Victory. Leman Russ Tank 

Storm of Terra Leman Russ Tank

Emperors Fist Armoured Sentinal 

My starship trooper esq infantry from Mantic. Really like these

My Tempestus Scions (very Halo looking to me).

Some old skool Valhallans
My proxy for a Lighting fighyer

That's my force. Its a bit mashed up off different units and models but I have made my own regiment RICOS Roughnecks. This is a unit made up of units left over from various regiments that have been destroyed and the survivors put together under Colonel Rico. Remember
"Everyone Fights No One Quits! "

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