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Friday 7 June 2019

Village Attack (Build up)

Sgt Harwood  relaxed in the old arm chair that lived in the NAAFI. It was much better than the other chairs and Lt Fellow had liberated it from the nearby RAF base when the pilots had invited her and Captain Daniels over for drinks. Completely snubbed the rest of the unit. Showing true loyalty to Unit 24 the 2 had returned from the RAF base with the armchair and several bottles of very expensive grog. He watched various people coming and going. He had finished his training for today so was planning what to do next. Most of his men had gone to the nearest town,
"Sgt Harwood." a gruff voice said behind him. Harwood turned and saw Lt Jenkins. He quickly jumped up and saluted.
"Sir!, what can I do for you"
The rift tech modified lieutenant still  amazed and terrified Harwood but when the alternative is death Harwood knew what he would choose.
"how many of your men can you gather up. We have a bit of an emergency"  Lt Jenkins looked serious but then with his metal face plate he always looked serious.
"Sir most are off in the nearest town, I imagine I can find a few lads who have spent all their money so are still here. I can get a runner to head into town to pick up the rest?" Harwood mind already started thinking where he could find some of his squad still on base.
" No time Sgt grab who you can and head to  the briefing hall. Lange is up to his old tricks again " Jenkins face lit up with anger at the mention of Lange.
" Yes Sir." Harwood headed out side as Lt Jenkins started yelling at some other soldiers to get  their rifles.
Harwood headed outside into the sunshine. He  headed towards the rifle range pretty sure he would find at least on of his lads there. An engine whined as it started up Harwood looked over and saw the walker ' Andraste' start up. Lt Fellow was sat in the copilot seat while Captain Daniels did a last minute weapons check. She spotted  Harwood so he saluted, she returned his salute and yelled over the engine noise "Looks like we are going hunting Sgt!"
Harwood nodded,
She climbed up the machine and started speaking to Lt Fellow. Harwood spotted a few of his men and headed over.
A short time later Harwood stood in the briefing hall with some other infantry sergeants. Major Whitaker strode in followed by Lt Jenkins.
"Right chap's.... And lady. He nodded at Captain Daniels. We've had Intel that Professor Lange is on his way or has dispatched a force to the village of Pacourt. Seems he is after some subjects for his experiments. Obviously the higher ups don't want this  so  we have to go and stop him. I know it's a bit of a rush but we will do with what we have. Lt Jenkins will be leading you. Get to the village and  hold it against the Germans. Oh we have a new addition arrived today. Some of you will have noticed the new walker outside. It's pilot is Sgt Stewart we were hoping for proper introductions but needs must. Welcome Jock. " Major Whitaker nodded at a tall brown haired man wearing a kilt.
" Right good luck! "with that Major  Whitaker walked off.
The briefing was short but so was time everyone left quickly to get ready. Harwood after suiting up climbed aboard the waiting truck, he spotted Sgt Stuart walker. It looked like a light walker, Harwood was still amazed by rift technology he smiled to himself. He watched the walker fire up and pick up a giant what looked like a ball and chain,
"Bloody hell he means business!" one of his men said.
"so do we lad" Harwood replied patting his LMG.

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