Tonight saw the British rushing to try and stop the evil Professor Lange's German forces kidnapping some villagers for his diabolical experiments (scenario rules
Here and build up story
Here). Basically there are 3 objectives who ever holds the most wins.
Tonight's battle field
The Brits line up on the village outskirts. |
The Germans advance towards to village |
Both forces lined up across the board edges, pretty much even. A squad on each flank and the vehicles in the centre.
The British snipers climbed the church tower to get a good view of the village |
The Mudskipper concerned with the Puma in the distance advanced cautiously |
On the right flank. The British advanced through some light woods |
On the left flank the Tommies advanced with Guardian Walker support |
On the Germans left flank the Schreckwulfen advanced followed by a machine gun squad
The German Puma advances down the road running through the village |
Both sides had closed the distance and the gunfire would start soon.
British sniper unit hit the German MMG team |
On the right flank the Brit infantry started shooting at the Germans with little effect |
The British infantry on the left secured the building in front of the objective |
Lt Jenkins moved through the church yard and fired at the MMG team |
The Mudskipper moved over and finished the German MMG team off |
The German snipers crawled to the top of the hill. While a German squad worked its way round the hill |
A strong German moved into the village centre |
Schreckwulfen advance |
The Nachtjager leap onto the building surveying the Mudskipper and other forces below |
The Mudskipper fearing an assault activated its jump engines and leaped over the building |
Unfortunatly the Mudskipper didn't spot Panzershreck and paid the price. The Mudskippers leg was destroyed and the walker was disabled |
The German sniper team take up position |
The British infantry in the house on the left flank pour fire onto the advancing Germans |
The British sniper tries to kill the Nachtjager on the opposite building |
The Galahads on the British right flank slowly advance pouring fire from their LMGs |
The Nachtjager swoop down onto Lt Jenkins and his bodyguard. |
Unfortunately my opponent rolled this in the ensuring close combat. Lt Jenkins killed both Nachtjager. |
A German squad pushes forward firing Panzerfausts at the Guardian Walker. They streak past the walker who retaliates with its flamethrower. Bathing the Germans in flame, killing some and making the rest flee. |
On the British Right flank the regular infantry desperately shoot at the hiding Schreckwulfen. |
The Guardian walker turns its attention to the Puma. Its HMG blasting away. |
My Mudskipper was immobilised in the enemy's rear and only really had one target, the German sniper team on the hill. It eventually killed the Germans and amazingly survived several more Panzershreck shots.
The German Puma and flame thrower secured the centre objective. |
Despite suffering a casualty my PIAT team stepped up again and took out the Puma with a side shot. |
My Galahads on the right flank covered the slightly open area keeping the Shreckwulfen at bay. |
On the British left flank I secured the objective. |
The British on the left flank poured fire into the advancing German squad. Helped by the Galahads they wiped them out. |
Most fire now turned on the German flame thrower holding the middle objective but he would not budge. |
The Panzershreck helped secure the middle objective and in a bold move the flame thrower rushed forward and flamed Lt Jenkins knocking him out of action. |
Seeing his leader took out the Guardian walker charged forward and stomped on the flame thrower. |
The final turn ended with the British in control of 2 objectives and the Germans 1. So a British win, Professor Lange's forces were defeated for now.
A great game, really enjoyable to play and had me thinking lots. I absolutely love my Galahads I have to say!
So many cool moments (except that dice roll.... that was less cool!!)
ReplyDeleteBrilliant game 😊 that will was so unlucky
DeleteNice report mate! Poor Nacht jagers obviously got stuck trying to squeeze through the windows and easily dispatched!
ReplyDeleteYeah that was an unlucky roll but very lucky for me!