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Saturday, 23 January 2016

Been awhile I know

Sorry it's been awhile not been up to much on the gaming front. Been busy at work and with the family plus a weekend away in London checking out the science museum, natural history museum and imperial war museum (my personal favourite). I've got an Across the Dead Earth game night planned for next week where we will be giving vehicle rules a test some I have wrote and possibly some from one of the games creators as he has a few ideas he might like testing. I have the vehicles primed but not painted but that does not matter really.

No primed pictures yet sorry. Also I've also started a piece of scenery that will hopefully look like a post apocalyptic water plant or something along those lines.

Last night my wife and I decided that we would try once a week  (diary permitting him) to do a games night with the kids (2yr old and 6 month old so only the one kid so far really).  So after tea, the t.v. was off Absolute Radio Classic rock was on and we broke out Tracks and Tunnels.  A version of snakes and ladders but using trains. After several games the little one went off to bed and we broke out Firefly the board game  (I had bought this back at the Games Expo ). It's a massive game to set up with a good 5 or 6 decks of cards to be put out. All the cards, tokens  and the game board are really nice quality.  My wife and I found reading through the instruction book made the game sound super complicated. Once we had started the game it became a lot more simpler in practice. So my advice would be read the rules briefly then get stuck into the game and figure it out as you go. The basic principle of the game is you are a new space captain and looking for work legal or illegal. You need to buy fuel, parts, equilment and crew to keep flying and  making a living whik e dodging the Alliance and Reavers. It is very steeped in Firefly lore as you'd imagine so some knowledge of Firefly or the film Serenity would be useful. You draw a story card (for the first time you play there is a basic story card).  The story card will have a number of goals
once you have attained All these goals you head to a finishing planet where you win. The goals range from smuggling, cargo hauling to bank robbery. If you love boardgames and Firefly or Serenity you'll love this.

Thats all for this week. Have a great week everyone!


  1. Sounds good. The older the kids get the better it will become. We enjoy playing game of life with our two girls.

  2. Yeah can't wait for him to be able to play more games ☺
