I have wanted to try DnD with the family for ages but my kids are quite young. Now they are 5 and 7. So I thought I would try it. After talking with the wife she said maybe they would like it better if we had models to represent the characters in a fight etc. I knew of a company that made pre painted flat pack models out of laser cut MDF. These would be ideal for generic baddies and the price is awesome. £5 for a bunch of goblins
As you can see they are quite impressive. These will do brilliant as some bad guys for our heroes to fight. They do plenty more as well check out their website here I'll definitely be picking more bits up.
The heroes, the wife wanted to be a druid (she's a hippy at heart) so she rolled up a Wood elf druid called Ianthe. My oldest wanted to be a Ranger. So a dwarf ranger called Azarok was rolled up. The youngest always wanting to copy his brother had a ranger to. So he made a Halfing Ranger called Downhead (don't ask he's 5 lol). With a druid and 2 rangers I was worried the party wouldn't have enough muscle so I made up Ragnum the barbarian to provide a punch when the party needed it. The aim was not to use him unless needed.
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Ianthe the druid |
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Donhead, Azorak and Ragnum |
Our Adventurers started by sitting in a tavern in the city of Queens Watch, when approached by a Bill Harley who wanted to hire them as guards for his cart as he travels to Shireheath. They agreed and the next day they met Bill and headed out. After a few days travelling they came across an abandoned cart and a body pierced with arrows. Ragnum was sleeping in the cart, Azarok decided to investigate stealthy and blended into the trees as he approached the cart. So did Ianthe, Downhead wanted none of this and headed straight to the cart where he was attacked by a goblin archer! The goblin missed and 2 more appeared! Azoraks longbow sang and killed the goblin archer. Downhead longbow fired taking out another goblin. Ianthe sent a ball of flame at the last goblin engulfing him in flames and killing him. They investigated the cart and found some health potions. The body was very dead but they found some gold and an Eagle medallion. Now to their right was a path through the woods or thry could carry on down the track to Shireheath. The party decided to investigate the track. Azorak checked the track and found goblin footprints everywhere. Further up the track they spot a camp fire with 3 goblins and an orc arguing. Plus 2 humans tied up on the ground. Everyone stealths apart from Ragnum who hangs back. The party get quite close and Azorak fires an arrow at the orc, this displeases the orc and he charges forward with the goblins! A brawl erupts and Azorak takes a huge blow from a great axe, arrows and flames are flying. Ragnum charges in and with a mighty swing gets the first critical hit of the adventure causing 19 damage on one goblin! The goblins and orc are vanguished. The 2 humans are rescued and reveal they were on their way to Shireheath to deliver a family treasure, an Eagle medallion to their nephew for his birthday. The party agree to escort them to Shireheath.
That was out for now. It seems my boys really liked Dnd and have asked to play again and again. So it seems they like it!
Awesome start chap, love some D&D