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Thursday 31 December 2020

2020 a Year in Hobby

 2020 what a year......... In some ways not much was different (we don't really socialise lots) some was good (wife working from home was very nice seeing her virtually everyday when I wasn't at work), I was lucky my job could be done throughout so didn't have that to worry about and some was bad (really miss the family gatherings and my kids would love to just play with their cousins). My good friend Alex wrote a blog summing up the year in Wargaming so I thought I would blatently copy him. Here's his Blog

The year started with me pre ordering Victory at Sea which thanks to Covid was then delayed till August. To stave off my hobby blues I ordered Rumbleslam (Some handy overtime allowed a boost to the hobby). Along with Rumbleslam I ordered the MDF ring as well.  When it arrived I was so happy I invested. Reading the rules it was a super simple super fun game. When I played it, it proved to be the fun game, sadly Covid meant I didn't get to play a human opponent but I have started my own little wrestling company TCW and have solo played a little tournament to get the first ever champion and I hope to start some regulars matches in a show (Blog posts really lol) called TCW Beatdown. Hopefully you have read and enjoyed the ones I have written so far.

My 15mm Barbarian army for Dragon Rampant is mostly done I added a Barbarian princess as the model was very cool. I say mostly done as is an Army ever truly finished??

My Tanks Modern Age forces were completed with a few bits bought in a sale. That game has morphed into World of Tanks which is WW2 mainly so I won't be investing more money into it as I wanted more modern tanks.

With lockdown and  school holidays most of my time was entertaining, educating and surviving my young boys but I did manage a bit of DnD on Roll 20 an online platform. Was good fun but I much prefer being in a room together. September brought Victory at sea finally and my birthday which landed me Fallout Wasteland Warfare. I've been super excited about this game as I love Fallout!! Victory at Seas is a great naval game, there are better naval simulations out there but this is a nice clean simple play through game. I also convinced my friend to buy into it so eventually our fleets will meet!!!

Covid ruined the second season of the RCBBL. We had each got 2 teams so the league had expanded into two league with the winners meeting in a super bowl type match so that would have been awesome. Thankfully I could scratch the blood bowl itch online with my dad's league the Dadsnet League or TDN for short. With lock down we smashed through several seasons which was great fun. We are on season 6.2 (we tend to run a team for 3 seasons) at the moment. My orcs the Dakka Cowboys won the first season they entered (Sesson 6) and we are half way through the next season and there are a few teams in the hunt. Honestly this group had been great for my mental health. Most of the dads are wargamers but a couple only came along because of the video game.  Eventually we plan to all meet up at Warhammer World and play in person.

The last bit of the year I embraced solo Wargaming. The TCW kicked off and I started a narrative Fallout campaign following Tara the Lone survivor on her mission to find out what happened to her husband.

And here we are. Next year I need to paint up the extra models I got for Christmas for Fallout and see what happens from there. I will get some more Rumbleslam played as that seems to be quite popular and carry on my Fallout campaign. In a unusually brave move I will also try my hand at podcasting! I have an intro cast out there. At the moment it's on Spotify Here

Is only small but I'm working on the first proper one. They will be appearing on a few more platforms but it has to be approved and the Christmas period is slowing things down. 

Happy new year and stay safe guys! 

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