Anything specific you after?

Thursday 5 November 2020

Fort Davis

 Tara led Jessica and Doug through some rubble towards the abandoned military base. Bobby's old base, his guard unit was stationed here and she remembered the times she had come here for a unit barbeque.

"How'd you know about this place Tara?" Jessica asked as she inspected her assault rifle her and Doug had found.

"My husbands National Guard unit was based here" Tara replied,

"What's the National Guard?" Jessica asked,

"Oh sorry I forget sometimes this is a different world than when I left. Its an army unit really that's all. The day the bombs dropped he was out with his unit. I have no idea what happened to him, he told me to go to the vault said he would meet me there. Guess he didn't make it but I found out he came to the vault after it was locked down several times and then he joined something called the Brotherhood of Steel?"  Tara said, 

"Oh those guys. They aren't to bad, bit serious I suppose but they battle the mutants and raiders so that's good and mostly leave us settlers alone. You think you will find your man with them?" Doug said,

"Not now its been 60 years I think he's gone but would be nice to see what's happened to him. So works for both of us, I can find some info and also see what supplies we can gather" Tara said.

They got to the edge of the base when Tara spotted figures in the distance

"God damn it mutants........"

This is the second scenario in the tutorial campaign. Designed to get you used to the searching mechanics of the game. Game lasts four rounds winners is the side that wipes out the other side or has the most items at the end of four rounds.

The abandoned Fort Davis 

Turn 1 

The super mutant leader seeing the humans trying to find supplies charged forward. Tara tried to focus and found a crate to search

                 Cursed meddling humans! 

Tara investigates a trashcan

A mutant hound sniffs thr air and scampers forward. It smells food. Jessica searches a building 

someone's hungry

Jessica searches through some ruins

Another super mutant wanders forward search for new shiny things amongst thr rubble. Doug also searches for anything of use. 

What's in here? 

Dog meat scampers forward anxious to protect his new master. The other mutant hound also goes forward and the last super mutant goes looking for supplies. 

Turn 2 

Tara leads off turn 2 by searching a trashcan. She's in luck! She finds a baseball bat much better than her improvised melee weapon. She prepares as she sees by the mutant hound in the distance. A super mutant scavenging through some old crates finds a bolt action pipe rifle. 

The things people throw away

More weapons yes!! 

Doug while going through the rubble smells a strange substance... A gas leak he frantically searches for the cannister to turn it off but to late and suffers 1 rad damage, feeling sick Doug moves on in search of something else.  A mutant hound finds what could be useful for his master and in a surprising show of intelligence he goes to defend it 

Doug reels back feeling nauseous 

                 Whose a good hound! 

Jessica searched through the ruins and managed to find a sledge hammer "Nice!" She thought,  a super mutant knew there was something in this debris but after 2 failed looks he decided to give up 

               This will come in handy! 

A mutant hound charges into Dogmeat but fails to bite him twice.  The last super mutant to go this turn finds a searchable. 

What's this? 

The hounds engage! 

Turn 3

A super mutant recognised the dog fighting his mutant hound. It was the one they caught earlier and it escaped!! He charged into the combat. Dogmeat attacks the hound hitting for 4 damage, breaking its arm and earning a prepare action. 

A super mutant gets angry with a searchable that he can't open. In frustration he moves onto something else. Tara sees the mutant hound she was watching was in range so raises her pistol and fires 2 shots off. One strikes home for 3 damage. The mutant hound roars in anger and charges Tara in return

Why humans lock things?! 

Tara wields her new baseball bat

Doug searches through some crates, he sees a glint of something and digs it out. He hears a click and spots a grenade. "oh man it's rigged to explode" Doug fails to disarm it so runs away before it explodes! The mutant hound goes to bite Dogmeat who uses his prepare to move out of combat both super mutant and mutant hound miss their free attacks *After re reading rules this is wrong the hound would have got to stack before Dogmeats move *

Jessica finds some Iguana Bits as she searches. A super mutant finds a terminal linked to a locked crate. 

It is not Dougs day! 

Run away! 

              Dogmeat dodges away

Turn 4

 Tara fends off the hound and swings her baseball bat cracking the hound round the head sending it to the floor where it didn't get up. "Home run!" 

A super mutant ignoring the humans finds more things to search. 

Tara defeats the mutant hound 

More shiny things! 

Dogmeat charges back at the Mutant Hound and kills the hound. A super mutant searching for things spots Tara hitting the hound with her bat. He raises his gun and fired 2 shots. One clipped Tara for 1 damage. 

Dogmeat attacks! 

Doug finds a. 44 revolver and spots a mutant a bit to close for comfort and fires but misses. 

Doug fires at a mutant

The super mutants search for more items and Jessica finds a terminal which she unlocks and finds some mutant hound meat. 

The night started to draw in so both sides retreated. The survivors took the win with 5 items compared to super mutants 2 items 

Tara, Doug and Jessica headed back to Sanctuary Valley clutching their new found supplies.  Spirits were high and tucked away in Tara's pocket was  a holotape she had found with her name written on it. When they got back to Sanctuary Valley Doug went off to help a farmer with an ingested barn and Tara sat in her old house and inserted the holo tape into her pip boy 

"Hey babe. I don't know if you will ever here this but all I can do is hope. God its so messed up. I'm sorry I couldn't get back in time, we were posted to defend the water treatment plan as the bombs hut. Man what a day. We hunkered together deep in the water treatment plan for a couple of days. Frak were we heading outside straight away. We stayed at the plant for a few weeks but heard nothing from command. We started getting radio communications from someone called Roger Maxson who in lue of no government control was forming a new force. Several of the men wanted to go, eventually the captain gave up trying to contact command and agreed. I left and came straight to the vault. God the world outside has changed, radiation infected people who have lost there minds, mutated beasts it's crazy. I couldn't get in the vault I promise you please believe me  I tried for days. Eventually my old captain stumbled across me, he was now in the Brotherhood of Steel and I joined up in the hope they could get in the vault. They tried, their scribes tried  but felt like someone was keeping us out so we had to give up for now. So here I am a Knight of the Brotherhood can you believe.  We have heard of a raider gang called the 53s supposedly descendents of the vault staff at the vault so I have been given permission to find out info on them as a threat and if they have any knowledge about getting into the vault. I gotta go I will try and make you more holotapes. God I miss you and I love you Tara"

Tara leant back and tears formed in her eyes. What a messed up situation. She decided to try and find the brotherhood of steel or this raider gang the 53s see what else she can find. 

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