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Thursday 10 October 2019

Pokemon 5e

My kids (Boys 4 and 6) wanted to give  Pokemon DnD a go. Thanks to the podcast You Meet in a Tavern, who did a few episodes using these rules. In fact I believe the DM for this DnD playthrough podcast wrote or helped write the Pokemon version of the DnD rules. With the rules was also a one shot to get people started called Professors Oaks Package.

Now with the age of the kids I ignored a few rules and let them re roll a few rolls to keep them interested.
My wife rolled up a character and my 2 boys made their characters.
My wife was a pokemon trainer called Starlight, my eldest made up a lad called Dennis (Don't ask he's obsessed with that name) and my youngest boy made a trainer called Blossum.
None of them had starting pokemon as that bit was written into the one shot I was using but I did let them choose what they would get as that's what they wanted.

My eldest chose a Pikachu, my youngest chose a Charmander and my wife chose a Squirtle. I won't go through the adventure as I don't want to ruin the one shot for anyone wanting to try it. The group went off to deliver a package for Professor Oak but also on their way try and catch some pokemon!
My wife was very happy to catch a Psyduck and a sand screw. My sons caught a bellsprout, a Zigazoon, Slakoth, Vulpix, Growlithe, Ekans and a Sentrat.
The boys and wife seemed to enjoy it and want me to write a new adventure for them so I'll have to start work on that.
Have a good day folks!

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