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Thursday 18 July 2019

Destroy Storage Tanks (Build up)

Captain Lucy Daniels conducted her usual walk around Andraste. She checked the jump units of the Mudskipper at the rear and the newly repaired leg. She winced remembering the impact of the Panzershreck on her poor walker. Though they were incredibly lucky they didn't get hit with a second shot. The walkers engines spooled up with the distinct sound Rift technology makes as Lt Fellows started Andraste up. Capt Daniels made sure the HMG ammo drums were secure and walked over to the engineer fussing around the walker also.
"she's all good Davis. Tell your lads good work"
Davis took his cap off, smiled and in his rough Yorkshire accent said
"Thanks Ma'am try and bring her back in one piece this time aye?"
Capt Daniels laughed,
"Cheeky blighter!"
She took her helmet off where it was hanging and climbed the ladder. Lt Fellows was already in her seat checking screens.
"All set Caroline" she asked as she settled in her chair.
"All ready Capt. Let's go bag some Germans"
Captain Daniels lowered the canopy and scanned round the field. They'd been co-opted into joining this Armoured platoon, everything happened in a rush after they had discovered the location of some storage tanks used by Professor Lange for god knows what. Major Whitaker had wanted a Unit 24 presence on the raid and Andraste was the fastest walker he had and happened to be very close at the repair yard.  A group of soldiers climbed aboard a half track flanked by 2 Guardian walkers, a man stood on a Sherman Firefly yelling and pointing at various people. That was the CO today, Capt Daniels had briefly met him where he had said he wasn't a fan of female walker pilots. What an arse she thought, she noticed a lot of the engineers looking all in one direction. Something behind a barn. Then round the corner came a walker, a shape she had never seen before. Taller than Andraste, a cannon of some sort on its soldier, HMGs under one arm and carrying a giant sword. The single glowing red lens in its head swept around. Not dissimilar to an Automaton Capt Daniels  thought.
The radio crackled into life
"Caradoc reporting for duty."
The Merlin walker took up position in the column. Capt Daniels engaged the controls and the force moved out.