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Wednesday 6 June 2018

Games Night

Tonight me and my friend Jay played  Star Wars Rebellion. He was imperial and I was the rebel alliance.  Throughout the game my diplomat struggled to gain a
Support for the alliance meaning my military capability was not good but I kept the base hidden and not much combat was had anyway. The empire subjugated and turned more and more planets loyal. The turning point was when my diplomat was captured and interrogated.  She gave up 3 sytems 1 of which was where the rebel base was.  A few small fleets soon located the fake systems and the battle was set. My last ditch attempt at moving my base failed and I had to stand and fight.

The forces were arrayed

There were more forces than in the picture and a pitched space battle erupted followed by a massive ground battle. I held my own in the first engagements but then ominously the death star moved in.  Lando tried one last attempt but failed and boom!!!!

Boom rebel base turned to dust

I had 3 home one type ships soni like to think the rebellion wasn't done but this game was over imperial forces crushed this rebellion quite significantly.

Great game!!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch some you win and some you loose. This one played out a bit like the end of The Last Jedi!
