Now I know it's March but I thought I would have a think about the year to come in model terms . I don't have any definite plans for the year when it comes to models due to growing space limitations but here's my thoughts anyway.
I have my 2 armies now, I never want to say I am done as there is always extra stuff I would like.
Imperial Guard - I have plenty of points worth of guard so they are mostly fine in my eyes . It would have to be something very special to catch my eye. I am always looking at a Cavalry unit but that's a big chunk of space that will be taken up. I think realistically a few more artillery type tanks or chimera (another super heavy sounds fun but would never use them so a bit of a waste of money)would be possible . I really like my missile tank from Culverin models so another one of those would be good .
Space Marines - My Lion Warriors have a solid core of troops but I feel I do need some more melee units like assault intercessors and some more Heavy weapons. So this might be a focus on the coming months.
No new armies I think (Don't want to tie myself down here ) for me in Bolt Action I quite fancy Americans but space is a premium so it would have to be a super elite force. So probably no new armies on the horizon. It will most likely me getting to grips with my British so I can actually play with them (see my previous post), maybe adding a few units here and there.
I'm going to stick konflikt 47 in with bolt action as it's short update. I am awaiting what Warlord plan on doing with Konflikt 47 before I do anything more with this game
Other games
I'm determined to play my zombie game Last Days at some point this year.
My friend wants me to show him Across the Dead Earth as well which will require some good remembering of the rules.
I have Xenos rampant and I still want to do the aliens Vs colonial marines 15mm game.
I really got excited by the news of Legion Imperialis and then it was released set in the Horus heresy so none of the other races will be involved so my interest immediately dropped (I wanted a huge waaaargh!).
I really should play Fallout more but the rules are so much! Though Modiphus are releasing what appears to be a smaller simpler version of fallout set in Nuka world so this maybe simpler to play but alas to late I have invested in Fallout!
Fallout factions is the new game |
The rest of the games I can think of at this time, Victory at sea models wise I'm pretty much done with that have no real urge to upgrade my fleets so they can happily be played with .
Rumble slam I'm ok with I may pick up a new wrestler here and there. I would like to play this more not sure of people remember the TCW? That would be cool but even little matches like that take ages to do for a blog post.
Gaslands I love and have plenty of vehicles for my only issue with it is, if you have say 3 players with 2 or 3 cars each the game takes ages! Probably could limit it down to 1 car for time purposes.
Tanks Modern Age is now defunct so the models are in the loft but my kids liked that game so I'll keep it on standby by rainy days off school.
Stargrave I really want to play this game but have no one to play it with at minute but I can make a crew as I only really need a captain and first mate and the odd character. My guard models would cover the soldiers.
I still really want a space ship game. X wing won't cut it as I could never remember the best combo of cards to play with and that seemed to be where the game was going. Armada was awesome but expensive to get in. I really should have another look through my Billion suns rulebook.
That's about it at the moment I'm sure there is more .....there's al
ways more!