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Thursday 30 March 2023

Xenos Rampant Project


I love starship troopers and Aliens so I want to do a Xenos rampant aliens vs colonial marines (Can't do starship troopers as I can't find the right arachnid models) . Handily Pendraken do the miniatures I require in 10mm. Being 10mm I thought this would be a good opportunity to make slightly larger forces. In Xenos Rampant units have strength points usually either 10 or 5. In a 28mm game most of the time you would represent one strength point with 1 model, so lose a point 1 model removed. With 10mm I thought about removing a stand to represent 1  strength point. At the moment it's either 2 models to a stand or 5. I'm leaving towards 2 as that will be a bit cheaper and you still will get the larger unit sense. A standard Colonial infantry unit would be 10 strength points this would equate to 5 stands with 2 models on each. I think this would look cool and hopefully not to crowded. 

These guys would be my standard heavy infantry. 

And here is the enemy the Xenomorph. There is a Xenomorph profile in Xenos Rampant so will be using that. There are a few more options for each side also. The classic APC

And the fearsome Queen 

There are a few other things like turrets and face huggers so plenty of other options aswell. All from Pendraken miniatures which is handy!! 
What's everyone think? I think it could be cool



  1. Awesome idea!! And can't beat those Pendraken prices!

    1. This is true and a major factor in decision making process lol

  2. Not sure what it's scaled at but Another Glorious Day in the Corps by Gale force nine has minis representing xenomorphs and the marines from Aliens, could use those for skirmish size games👍

    1. I tgoht that you I thought maybe attaching a units stats to one model. So elite infantry would be commander, smart gunner heavy infantry and soldiers light infantry etc
