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Monday 5 April 2021

Family Dnd Sessions 9 and 10

 Our heroes manage to get a ride with a merchant to Queens Watch to locate a ship. The journey was reasonably quiet Except for a minor Wyrvern attack!! The best was vanquished and the party carried on with a very thankful merchant rewarding the party for keeping him safe. They ar rived in Queens Watch where they meet a first half elf Aurora who turns out to be Ragnums sister!!! Though she had took a different path and was captain of her own ship. The adventurers went to a tavern to test for the night. Azorak got himself into a bar room brawl! But nothing to serious. The next morning the party boarded Auroras ship the Wind Walker and they set sail. After a few days  sailing they noticed s black ship with a large skull attached was chasing them down. The Wind walker was fast but some foul magic killed the wind and halted the ship. The black ship caught them, Aurora recognised the shop to be that of Iron Jaw a feared and ruthless pirate. Iron Jaw and 10 Orcs swarmed onto the Wind walker and battle was drawn! Ragnum charged at Iron Jaw, Azorak and Downhead stayed back loosing arrows into the orcs. The party was soon surrounded though and it came down to hand to hand combat. (What proceeded was the most absurd rolls from the orcs who barely managed to hit anything) The orcs were cut down. Ragnum killed Iron Jaw, Azorak and Downhead took down 4 orcs, Ian the killed 4 orcs as well and Aurora killed 2. With the pirates defeated Aurora gained a new ship and they all headed towards Dragons Teeth Castle. 


  1. Nice, bar-room brawls always fun

    1. Yep my barbarian though stayed with his food and beer ha ha ha ha
