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Wednesday 22 April 2020

Scatter Terrain

While doing a lock down clean up and sort out I discovered my sons old grow your own crystal. It had seen better days and was broken plunging pieces

Being a wargamer I instantly spotted the potential here. I thought this would be something cool for put narrative Konflikt 47 campaign. Surely Professor Lange would be interested in this strange crystal.
 I decided it would be cool if I could get them to glow as well so I ordered some tea lights.

Once they arrived I set to making them.

Glued the lights down to CD bases (not worried about changing the batteries as my smoke lights are still going and they are a good few years old).  Next up was filler all over the base to build up a little rock pile. I then added crystals all over the pile around the tea light.

A layer of black undercoat, then a few layers of grey to build up the rocks. 

Then I added flock and here they are

Quick and dirty but does the job I believe! 


  1. I found this through Brummie's Wargaming Blog. This idea is very nice and I will mimic your effort in a hard case of flattery. =)

    1. Welcome and thank you. I'm sure you will make great terrain!
