Tonight's Battlefield |
Tonight's first game was a 750 pt Konflict 47 battle. This mainly so we could use all of or as much of our K47 as we could.
My friend brought his German mad scientist, Totenkorps, Schreckwulfun, NachtJager, Zeus super heavy walker and an anti tank rifle team. I had my British lieutenant, Armoured infantry, Automated Infantry, Guardian Walker, Mudskipper, Anti tank Rifle team and a PIAT team. We rolled up the top secret mission and an objective marker (in tonight's case a secret part off a experimental walker) placed in the middle of the board. The mission was grab it and get it off your board edge. No forces start on the board you roll the reserve roll to get them on the board. I got the first dice out of the bag and promptly failed my reserve roll! ! So my leader!!! Stayed off the board. My friend got his anti tank rifle team on the board in a corner on a hill. Getting a great view of the battlefield.

My Mudskipper also failed to arrive! I eventually got my first unit on the board. My armoured infantry advanced onwards
Finally a unit on the board! |
Closely followed by my Guardian light walker and my friends Zues Super Heavy Walker.
Gert the Guardian Light Walker enters the battle |
The massive Zeus Super Heavy Walker arrives |
More and more forces arrived for both sides. The Nazi horrors appeared on the scene.
Shreckwulfen bound into the fight |
NachtJager swoop down |
Gert skips behind some trees before the Zeus's super heavy AT gun draws a bead |
My Brits get advancing up the middle of the board toward the objective
"Onwards Chaps " |
The Nazi Shreckwulffen race towards the Guardian walker.
Howls fill the air as the Wulfen advance |
The German anti tank rifle team in the hill has a great view of the British advance taking shots at the units
PIAT team take cover behind a small hill |
The arnoured infantry and anti tank rifle team take pot shots at the NachtJager |
The gunfire does nothing to put off the NachtJager who take flight and land on the objective grabbing it.
The claws of the NachtJager grab hold of the objective |
My Automatons finally appear and trudge slowly forward raising there MMGs and blasting at the NachtJager but to no avail.
Also my lieutenant put in an appearance at last.
About time!! |
The Nachtjager used their supreme movement to make off with the objective hiding behind a low fence after landing only one move away from victory. All my Brits in that area were now focused on stopping the Nazi horrors making off with the valuable tech. The Mudskipper moved into position and unleashed a barrage of fire at the NachtJager.
Twin auto cannons and 2 HMGs fire! |
A barrage of fire kills one NachtJager leaving just one left. The automatons moved up and fired their MMGs at the remaining NachtJager but nothing happened. On the right flank my Guardian stepped out of cover and have the Shreckwulfen a blast from its flamethrower but they remained unscathed apart from a few singed hairs!
A blast of flame does nothing to the Shreckwulfen |
The PIAT team try a desperate long range shot at the remaining NachtJager but misses.
Worth a shot! |
The Shreckwulfen charge at the Guardian walker and a brutal 3 rounds of close combat begins!!!
The wulfen attack!! |
The wulfen manage to set the Guardian walker on fire and stun the crew. The walker fails to get a good of a wulffen |
With a mighty swing of his flail the walker destroys the Shreckwulfen |
Back around the objective the Mudskipper takes out the last NachtJager with its auto cannons and reduced the anti tank rifle team to one man with its left arm HMG. Dr Lange the German and scientist runs with his bodyguard and grabs the objective.
Dr Lange takes possesion of the tech |
In the middle of the board Totenkorps pour out from behind a house and are met with a hail of gun fire from my armoured infantry
"Bloody zombies! Let em have it chaps! " |
Lieutenant adds his teams fire at the Totenkorps |
The Totenkorps are reduced to one solitary Totenkorps.
Things were looking desperate for the Brits, the Germans had possession of the tech and we're about to escape. The anti tank rifle team quickly moved up and lined a shot up at Dr Lange.
Anti tank rifle team shoots at Dr Lange |
The shot was difficult but (Thanks to a couple of excellent rolls) the shot struck Dr Lange and elimnated him!
The mad scientist is eliminated! |
The Mudskipper moves up and elimnated Dr Langes remaining body guards while the PIAT team grabs the objective.
The Tech is in British hands |
The Guardian walkers fight with the wulfun had attracted the attention of the Zeus Super Heavy Walker after a few wide rounds the Guardians luck ran out and the Zeus dispatched the Guardian with the super heavy anti tank round slicing through the armour with ease.
Guardian walker eliminated |
At this point I had the Zeus in my sights (even though I should have been scarpering back with the tech ) my PIAT team missed and my mud skipper jumped behind a wall next to the Zeus. How ever I neglected to take into account the height of the wall! !
My walker and the Zeus both taller than the wall..... damn it!!!! |
The Zeus's Anti Tank gun barrel was the last thing the Mudskipper saw.
The Armoured infantry dispatch the remaining Totenkorp and the game ends in a draw. British in possession of tech but not off the table.
Great game no doubt we forgot some rules but we had a blast trying out just our konflict 47 forces. Dreading what the NachtJager and Shreckwulfen will do to squads of regular infantry!
Have a great day folks