No modelling done last week as I've been away in sunny Weymouth with the family enjoying a nice break. I did take some models to paint but didn't get round to it. I got a game of flik em up in which was great fun.
While down there I dragged the family (to be fair my sons loved it) down to the tank musuem in Bovington. Been waiting to go here for ages, admission was reasonable (under 5s were free so didn't have to pay for the kids yay !) and the place is massive!. One hall is about the story of the tank so examples of the 1st tank up to more modern tanks. Here we started then had a picnic in the eating area above it which also looks out onto the arena where they have tank displays (sadly not the day we were there). Next up was a ww1 trench and tank exhibition after that a warehouse full of tanks ! We had a good walk round and I saw my favourite tank the Challenger ☺. There was plenty to do for the kids and my 3 yr old son loved playing with the toy soldiers that were out at various points in the building. It was great being able to climb through a ww1 tank and see how cramped they were.
Had a great day but has give me a taste for Bolt Action more now here lol
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Psst! No2 is a Cromwell :P
ReplyDeleteArrgh I knew that but was nattering to the wife while typing lol