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Sunday, 31 July 2016

Game Board the Saga Ends!!!

Finally the day has arrived!!! The game board is finished! It's not perfect (due to some shocking jig sawing by me) but it's my first ever go at something like this so I'm quite proud.

Here's the game board in all it's glory
Road damage detail
River section
Once finished all packed up

There ya go. I'm going to pick up a few details from Amera Plastics if they fit which I need to check. There is a waterfall section and ruined road section which I think I can cut and lay over the fixed terrain to give a few more options.


  1. Looks great dude well done on it.

  2. Not bad at all dude, the river sections came out really well in the end! Are you going to blend the road sections in with the rest of the board or are they going to be part of another board? Love the road damage ;-)

  3. Well I'm hoping when scenery is added it won't look so obvious but we will see how we go ☺
    Thanks for reading my blog !

  4. What you can never tell though is whether this board will be lucky for you. My fingers are crossed for you that it will after all the effort you've clearly put in to making it :-)

  5. Still trying to follow but blogger is acting the fecking maggot!
