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Friday, 24 January 2025

A New Leader Emerges

 The transport landed on the pad, hissing as it settled onto it's three protruding landing feet. It's black paint blasted in places by the ravages of space travel and transferring between atmospheres. The symbol of the Inquisition emblazoned on the side of the craft was untouched though. Almost like the Emperor was watching over it, Colonel Langswood thought as he waited on the landing pad as ordered. He had no idea what was happening but he knew it couldn't be good for him or his regiment with the Inquisition about. 

He adjusted his battle dress and looked to his left . Stood with him was the marshall of the Krieg units that had fallen under his ragtag regiment. The marshall was motionless at attention and his gas mask hid any sign that he was concerned by the Inquisition visit. The crafts engines wined down and a hatch opened releasing a ramp. The clang of ceremite on metal rang out as a figure stepped out and down the ramp. The purple hooded figure wrapped in red power armour swept their bolter from side to side checking for potential threats then the Colonel heard the hooded figure say a curt word and stepped to the side. More clanging now and 9 more figures exited the craft. Bolters held at the ready lined up either side of the transport ramp. Langswood saw now they were Adeptus Sororitas. Langswood had never fought alongside the sisters of battle before but who were they protecting? With it being the Inquisition Langswood knew his life was about to get a lot more dangerous. More power armour noises now as another figure walked out of the transport, he noticed the blonde hair first, then the silver power armour with gold edging. The inquisitor walked straight up to Langswood

Greetings I am inquisitor Liona Desveaux of the Ordo Hereticus. I have heard things about your regiment Colonel Langswood"

Langswood started to sweat, the death marshall as ever stood stoic. Then he caught a glint in the inquisitions eye

"Good things I promise you" she smiled like a viper watching it's prey.

"I have need of your forces" she went on

Langswood saluted

" For the Emperor"

Introducing my Inquisitor and her sisters of battle bodyguards . While I can't really get a new army yet nothing says I can't add different stuff to my 2 armies so an Inquisitor and body guard seems a great fit. 

Thanks again to Dave for printing my Inquisitor ! 

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Bolt Action British Forces

 A while back now I picked up some extra bits for my British bolt action force. HE seems to be king at the moment in v3,  so I picked up a 25pdr and a centaur tank to give my force a couple of HE options. 

Can't wait to try V3 and try these guys out as well!

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Christmas has been and gone.....

 Well happy new year all! Hope you all had a good holiday season and your piles of potential grew !

This Christmas was an armoured vehicle Christmas for me. Sadly not a real life tank but I got another Rogal Dorn which has already been painted and used in a battle. Turns out 2 Rogal Dorns are a wonderful firebase to attack with!

There she is in all her glory. Why red you ask? Well because I have a lot of green AFVs over my various games so wanted the Dorn to stand out plus with the new codex coming out, we have available Rogal Dorn tanks commanders so an officer has to stand out.  Similar weapon load out to my other Dorn but instead of the Castigator cannon I have added the pulveriser cannon and heavy stubbers instead of melta guns. The main gun is the same as the only other option is double battle cannon which sounds good but in game is terrible compared to the oppressor cannon and auto cannon combo. 

The Lion warriors not to be out done in the heavy armour stakes also got some serious armour. 2 land raiders! Well proxies from Station Forge bought off HammerLine Miniatures. Being 3d printed you get all manner of weapons for them and I honestly tried to magnetise the first one . After 15 minutes of frustration I gave up. I only really wanted 2 of the 3 variants so I built a land raider Redeemer (packing 2 heavy flamers) and a Land Raider (bringing god hammer las cannons to the field). These have been undercoated but not painted yet.

Don't worry the droopy gun was fixed 😂

These will hopefully help me get my terminators and blade guard into melee quickly and relatively safely!

Next up my awesome friend Dave printed me an inquisitor as I have a new idea to add a bit of variety to my Guard army.

She was painted using the slap chop method in sure you have all heard of. I thought I am would attempt it to see if it made a difference. I still have no idea but I have have great under coat so everything is being done by that method for a while.  She has a unit waiting to be painted and all will be revealed. 

Last of all my sessions cousin Adam printed me my very own Steve the Guardsman.  You may never have heard of Steve but what starter as a meme now is born as a miniature. 
The meme is a necrons Flayed one who on killing a guardsmen has taken on that role (they are supposed to be insane!) here's one of the memes

And here is Steve!

He's already to join the ranks of the Imperial Guard!

That's all for now!