"Tara! Visitors. Looks like the Brotherhood" Jess yelled from outside. Tara slowly got up, Dogmeats huffed in protest but then spread out across the couch as Tara walked outside. The morning sun hit her eyes and she had to raise a hand to shield her eyes so she could see where Jess was pointing. Just entering the settlement was a power armoured figure flanked by 3 soldiers in armour similar to what Bobby used to wear in his national guard unit. The power armoured took his helmet off and she saw is was Knight Hudson,
"Good morning Knight. Welcome to Sanctuary Valley" Tara said,
"Thank you Tara, the Brotherhood sends their thanks as well for retrieving that journal. The scientists are doing what they do with it. Sorry to just appear like this but we've been tasked with clearing or reclaiming an old Brotherhood Outpost. Now what has this got to do with you I hear you say. Well I have it on good authority that Outpost Theta was one of the outposts used by Knight Carmine in his investigation of the 53s and since I owed you one I thought you might want to join us and see if he left anything lying around that could be of use. " Knight Hudson said,
" Bobby? That's brilliant, thank you so much I'll go and grab my gear. " Tara replied excitedly. She went inside her house and grabbed her laser rifle and baseball bat. Dogmeat lifted his head,
" Not today mate you need some rest still after that last fight. " Tara said, she walked out and headed out with the Brotherhood.
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Outpost Theta now inhabited by Super Mutants |
Turn 1
Tara spies the super mutants milling around the ruins of the Outpost. She moves forward cautiously
A mutant hound sniffs the air and smells human flesh, it races forward
Knight Hudson sees the mutants stirring and leads the attack.
Knight Hudson fires his laser rifle at the mutant hound causing 2 damage.
The noises of gunfire and the mutant hound howling cause the enslaved tech to look out and see the oncoming brotherhood of steel. He hunkers down ready to defend the Outpost.
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"I'll just protect from up here " |
The Brotherhood of Steel Knight patrol 1 moves up into action
The second mutant hound runs after the first hound eager to start biting!
Another Knight Patrol headed out, trying to stay together against the mutant threat
The last Knight patrol moves up with his comrades, the super mutant, brute and Aviator cap super mutant all move towards the Brotherhood of Steel threat
Turn 2
In the distance gunfire can be heard
Tara shoots at the Oncoming super mutant but misses both times
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"Damn it!" |
The aviator capped super mutant moved forward determined to get to grips with the enemy
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Humans! |
Knight Hudson sees the mutant hounds bounding towards him so he moves forward to meet them and opens fire again. He hits one of the hounds for 1 damage and sets the hound on fire.
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Die mutant! |
A super mutant opens fire on the Knight patrol but misses both shots, Knight patrol 1 shoots twice at Aviator. The first shot cases 3 damage and he misses the second shot.
The mutant hound that was on fire takes 1 damage and stays on fire. It then charges Knight Hudson and manages to cause one damage. Knight Patrol 2 shoots at Aviator causing 1 damage.
The second mutant hound charges Knight Hudson but misses his bite attack.
The last knight patrol (knight patrol 3) moves forward and shoots at the Aviator but misses. The enslaved tech dogily stays in the base to defend it. The Brute stalks forward through the gunfire getting ready to charge
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Puny human! |
Turn 3
The weather gets unbearably hot!
Tara spots an opening in the battle as all the super mutants converge on the Brotherhood of Steel so she moves forward towards the objective though out of the corner of her eye she sees a struggling tied up human. The man doesn't spot Tara but she presses on she needs to get to the outpost and hopefully can come back for the man.
The mutant hound takes 1 fire damage but the fire goes out. It bites Knight Hudson twice but can't get past the power armour. Knight Hudson smashes his baton into one mutant bound killing it, he then swings again causing 2 damage to the other hound.
The enslaved tech spies Tara approaching and fires his shotgun. He hits but Tara's armour holds. The remaining mutant bound bites Knight Hudson for 1 damage. Knight Patrol 1 moves and shoots at the Brute but misses
A super mutant shoots at Knght Patrol 1 and hits causing 2 damage. Knight Patrol 2 moves into cover and shoots at the Aviator causing 1 damage and sets the mutant on fire.
The aviator fires back at the Knight Patrol but misses and he takes 1 fire damage and stays on fire. Knight Patrol 3 shoots at the incoming Brute causing 3 damage.
The Brute roars with rage and charges Knight Patrol 3
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You shoot at me human!!!! |
Turn 4
A brahmin stampede goes past the edge of the map
Tara uses a quick action to move, shoots thr Enslaved Tech for 2 damage and sets him on fire. She then moves forward
The super mutant charges into Knight Patrol 1
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Ha ha fresh meat! |
Knight Patrol 2 shoots at the Brute but misses both times. The enslaved tech collapses due to the flames. Knight Patrol 1 does not want to be in close combat so breaks from the fight avoiding an attack from the super mutant. Once at a safe distance he shoots at the super mutant but misses.
The mutant hound again bites Knight Hudson but struggled to penetrate the power armour. The on fire Aviator mutant finally succumbs and collapses.
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Nooooo! |
Turn 5
A passing vertibird drops a crate onto battlefield
The Brute in a rare moment of clarity spots Tara sneaking into their base so runs after her.
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Where you going human? |
Knight Patrol 1 shoots the super mutant for 3 damage and misses his second shot. The super mutant shrugging off the pain from the laser shots looks at Tara and moves forward. He misses his shot.
Tara used 2 quick actions to move forward finding a Radaway and then moves into the outpost and finds a powered terminal.
The mutant hound misses its bites and Knight Hudson swings his baton killing the hound. He looks up and sees the mutants heading back into the outpost, Tara must have made it inside. He yells "Ad Victorium!!" and charges at the super mutant to buy Tara some time.
Knight Patrol 2 shoots at the Brute causing 1 damage. He misses his second shot.
Turn 6
The Super mutant tries to hit Knight Hudson but misses twice. Tara starts to mess with terminal wishing she had Jarvis with her. A beep and the compitet whirs into life. "yes!" she shouts. She starts to download data to a holo tape
The Brute hears the combat behind him and turns round. He roars in anger and charges Knight Hudson causing 3 damage.
Knight Hudson lashes out at both mutants causing 2 damage on each.
Knight Patrol 1 rescues the tired up human
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I got you mate! |
Knight Patrol 2 shoots a into the melee and his the brute for 1 damage and sets him
That's was the last turn so Survivors win!
Knight Hudson stamped on the super mutants head finishing it off. He walked over to the fallen Knight patrol, Hexford was his name a good soldier shame he hadn't made it. He took a dog tag off the soldier and put it away. He would be remembered. One of his men came over,
" Arrange for a vertibird to drop some supplies off and also pick up Hexford please and let command know we have possession of Outpost Theta. Good work" Knight Hudson said,
The Knight Patrol nodded and walked over to Hexfords body. He pulled a radio out and started talking. Knight Hudson saw Tara come walking out of the Outpost main building. She walked up to him,
"There's a working terminal in there. I've pulled all the info I can off for you" Tara said as she handed over a holotape.
"Thank you Tara. Since we have cleared the place out I think we will re-establish the outpost so we shall be nearby for the foreseeable future. Did you find anything about your husband?" knight Hudson enquired.
"Be good to have some friendlies in the area. I found some logs that mention him I need to go through them." Tara replied
"I hope they are helpful in your search. Right I have things to attend to. Do you need an escort back to Sanctuary Valley?" Knight Hudson asked,
"No it's OK, I'll be fine." Tara said.
Just as the 2 were about to go seperate ways a Knight Patrol came walking over with another male. Tara realised it was the tied up male she had saw earlier. The male walked straight up to her
"Hello friend! Boy am I glad you guys showed up when you did. I think was about to be dinner for those freaks. I'm Ron Swinson" he held out his hand
Tara shook his hand "Good to meet you. I'm Tara. Sorry I didn't grab you straight away. Mission to do and all that."
"No problem miss." Ron dusted off a stetson. "Where's the nearest settlement?"
"My settlement is not to far from here I was just heading back. Your welcome to come with me and get yourself sorted" Tara said,
"Thank you Tara, let me grab my stuff if those green freaks haven't done anything with it and we can be off"
Ron headed off to some ruins and came back a few minutes later carrying a huge gun.
"Right let's go. Which way we headed"
Tara pointed towards Sanctuary Valley and Ron started walking, Knight Hudson and the other brotherhood of steel stared at Ron in amazement. Tara laughed, double checked she had the holo tape she had taken from the terminal and walked off to catch up with Ron.