I've been after some terrain for Tanks Modern Age for a while. Its the only 15mm game I play so I have never gathered any terrain for 15mm. My trees seem to work quite well and I guess some of my fences and roads would also work. I do feel like I need some buildings though. The flat terrain you get in the box is great quality but sometimes you just want a bit more 3d feel to the table. As ever I'm on a budget so I thought I would look at free printable model railway terrain. I wanted either some office blocks or just general factory type buildings. Just to give my game an urban feel. I located a website that said TT gauge was the way forward so I found a free website and printed out a quick factory test piece. The results were not what I wanted
The scale is off to me, the building looks to small compared to the tank. Right back to the drawing board.
My new plan of attack involved a bit of research. I discovered that in 15mm scale, 3mm is roughly one foot. Then I googled the average height of a door and a storey. I then made up my own building templates. Just a really basic industrial unit and office block.
They are very rough and ready but hopefully the scale is going to work. While I was waiting for some foam board to arrive I found some cardboard which I cut into the correct shapes. Then using my new purchase a hot glue gun I set about making up some buildings. The glue gun is amazing by the way, so much better and faster for sticking stuff together.
I cut a bit of cardboard the size of the template and then another one where I then cut out all the window holes. The plan was to stick the cardboard with no holes together to get the building shape. Then glue on the other cardboard hopefully giving a 3d effect for the windows.
My take on a basic industrial unit front |
Rear of the unit |
This one is an office block |
They are quite rough but not bad for a quick pit together.
Next to a tank they seem to work much better.
These seem much better now in comparison, what do you guys think? Next to give them a basic paint job.