A recent friends blog about his imagined Necromunda and Mordhiem areas has inspired me to write my own about my imagined Across the Dead Earth area where our games take place.
It's based around Smethwick (my local area) just on the fringes of Birmingham which is a large settlement in Across the Dead Earth so ties in nicely.
The 'Thorns
This is the remains of a football ground that the survivors have turned into a thriving settlement (Think Diamond City from Fallout 4). Here is where the 78th Smethwick Irregulars base of operations is.
The Thorns |
The old pumping station |
Dodgy Kens Pumping Station Trading Post
This is a trading post set up in an old canal pumping house (quite famous round Smethwick). With access to the canals meaning good trading routes between the post and the Rag Market Dodgy Ken can get you always what you want ( Dodgy Ken is an injoke between my friend and I. He is a legendary local shop keeper ☺).
The start of the concrete jungle |
Concrete Jungle
No one goes near the Concrete Jungle unless absolutely necessary. Traders travelling the old railway lines always have extra guards for this section unless they are full of bravado or stupidity. In the ruined housing estate resides a 'settlement' owned by the infamous Concrete Jungle Savages. This band of psychos and lunatics pray on the weak and if they outnumber them the strong.
The Valley |
The Valley
The Valley is a heavily wooded area right next to the Thorns having overtaken the few industrial units that were between the sports ground and the valley however the ruined road that separates the 2 is always kept clear with flames to keep a clear space so the sentries can keep the Forest Kin away. Few enter the Forest and return. The locals know to keep a wide berth and the sentries know to be vigilant all the time for raiding parties.
Chance Glass Works |
Chance Glass Works
In this abandoned factory now settlement reside the raider gang The Coggers. The leader claiming descedency from an old industrial boss guards his territory with a tenacity and brutality. Many a trespasser are found floating in the canal that runs along side the abandoned factory.
The Avery |
The Avery
The Avery is a factory complex used by the Engineers Guild as a forward base. Currently inhabited by the Fighting Spanners, they explore the ruins of Smethwick looking for technology and any lost knowledge amongst the ruins of the industrial estates though recently they have started to have run ins with a squad of State troopers who have moved into the area.
The old council house |
The Big House
This is the old council house in Smethwick. The state squad Sector 14 have set up here in their bid to spread the influence of the State over the people of Smethwick but at the moment are struggling with the fiercely independent locals
That's little imagined area of the apocalyspe.