Anything specific you after?

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Bolt Action British Forces

 A while back now I picked up some extra bits for my British bolt action force. HE seems to be king at the moment in v3,  so I picked up a 25pdr and a centaur tank to give my force a couple of HE options. 

Can't wait to try V3 and try these guys out as well!

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Christmas has been and gone.....

 Well happy new year all! Hope you all had a good holiday season and your piles of potential grew !

This Christmas was an armoured vehicle Christmas for me. Sadly not a real life tank but I got another Rogal Dorn which has already been painted and used in a battle. Turns out 2 Rogal Dorns are a wonderful firebase to attack with!

There she is in all her glory. Why red you ask? Well because I have a lot of green AFVs over my various games so wanted the Dorn to stand out plus with the new codex coming out, we have available Royal Dorn tanks commanders so an officer has to stand out.  Similar weapon load out to my other Dorn but instead of the Castigator cannon I have added the pulveriser cannon and heavy stubbers instead of melta guns. The main gun is the same as the only other option is double battle cannon which sounds good but in game is terrible compared to the oppressor cannon and auto cannon combo. 

The Lion warriors not to be out done in the heavy armour stakes also got some serious armour. 2 land raiders! Well proxies from Station Forge bought off HammerLine Miniatures. Being 3d printed you get all manner of weapons for them and I honestly tried to magnetise the first one . After 15 minutes of frustration I gave up. I only really wanted 2 of the 3 variants so I built a land raider Redeemer (packing 2 heavy flamers) and a Land Raider (bringing god hammer las cannons to the field). These have been undercoated but not painted yet.

Don't worry the droopy gun was fixed 😂

These will hopefully help me get my terminators and blade guard into melee quickly and relatively safely!

Next up my awesome friend Dave printed me an inquisitor as I have a new idea to add a bit of variety to my Guard army.

She was painted using the slap chop method in sure you have all heard of. I thought I am would attempt it to see if it made a difference. I still have no idea but I have have great under coat so everything is being done by that method for a while.  She has a unit waiting to be painted and all will be revealed. 

Last of all my sessions cousin Adam printed me my very own Steve the Guardsman.  You may never have heard of Steve but what starter as a meme now is born as a miniature. 
The meme is a necrons Flayed one who on killing a guardsmen has taken on that role (they are supposed to be insane!) here's one of the memes

And here is Steve!

He's already to join the ranks of the Imperial Guard!

That's all for now!

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Lion Warriors Heavy Reinforcement

 Another Dreadnought has arrived to support the Lion Warriors .

Again from the Station Forge line sold by Hammerline miniatures.

To make it different this guy has a different claw with a flamer and a plasma cannon. Now I can have 2 dreadnoughts striding I to battle providing fire support. As with the previous post I am getting better at picking out little details to paint which make the model pop. Like the piping along the side of the plasma gun. 

Roll on next 40k game so I can play this guy

Bring on the Ale!!!


My awesome friend Alex bought me a 3rd party Norse blood bowl team for my birthday. I love the models so much. So now we know what team I am taking to the next season of Blood bowl don't we!!

I haven't named them yet but here they are in all their glory. 

The Team photo

The big guy. My Yeti

Beer Pig!!

Mostly lineman 

Ulfwerener and berserkers

I can't wait to try out this team as it seems quite bashy which I like. 

I went with green to make the team stand out from my other teams I have. Looking at the pictures I need to start picking out more details I've improved lots but looking at the yeti I could have painted his tongue. That would help break his face up from one colour.  Their bases I added baking powder as snow. This hopefully makes them look a bit wintery 

Overall I am happy with them and can't wait to play them. 

Monday, 4 November 2024

The Road ahead 2024 (Update)

 Just flicking through my blog and saw my post about plans for 2024 ( Check it out here). So I thought I would add an update!


Imperial Guard has stayed the same apart from one unit that will be Tempest Scions. Not been tempted by the jump pack ones .... Yet. With the new codes expected in the first or second part of next year it's a kind of just wait and see now.

My Lion Warriors have been reinforced! Assault intercessors acquired and all painted up along with some other character options as well oh and a new dreadnought on the painting table. So these are going strong. 

Bolt Action

Got the 3rd edition rulebook still not managed to fully read through it so haven't played a game yet but I did buy a 25pdr and a centaur tank for my British (ooo haven't done a blog post about them!!) so plodding along nicely. 

Last Days 

Still not played this. Thought it might be a good idea to try with the kids one school holiday but we shall see. 

A Space ship game

I played battlefleet Gothic! An oldy but a goody. Had a great time 

Starship Trooper Project

Well I've gone from 15mm to 6mm!! I even have actual models. I do need more bug models at the moment. The troopers have got to be outnumbered it's the only true way. 

Star grave 

I still wanna try this maybe next year . I might start actively planning an idea for 2 crews and see what's out there. 

Anything Else

Gaslands and Rumble slam are fine, I'll play them if a game opportunity appears but don't need anything adding to them I don't think. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

More lion warriors and a historical figure joins my forces

 August's hobby money was spent on Socratis Melee units from the station forge printed by Hammer line miniatures. As ever with Socratis models you kind of have to decide what model is what in the space marine range . From this set I made up a unit of 5 assault intercessors, a chaplain, a judicar and a Reiver Lieutenant. I have 2 models left over I don't really know what to do with. 

A Judicar 

Yet to be decided could be an alternative assault intercessor Sgt

No idea with this guy!

A Riever Lieutenant 

5 Assault intercessors 

The Chaplain

Also with the coming of Bolt Action Version 3 I decided to treat myself to a new officer. I found the range from Stoessi's heroes and really liked British Army Lt. Col. – John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming “Mad Jack” Churchill. He shall lead my British forces in V3. 

Monday, 12 August 2024

Starship Troopers


I took a brave pill and attempted to carry on and paint my 6mm starship troopers . The bugs weren't to complicated, I used some yellow and green speed paint. I know they have more distinctive markings but I don't have the skill or patience for that. The troopers, I used a dab off flesh coloured speed paint and then a dark grey contrast for the armour and a light grey on the guns. Not sure yet on the guns might have to try different colours. The bases I didn't dip in sand next time Indo more troopers I will dip their bases in the basing material. The the base edges inside colour code so I know difference between troopers, support weaponry  and officers. Still got the outpost base to paint up .

 Gonna have a try playing them using xenos rampant rules . See how that plays