Saturday 26 January 2019

Bio -Hazard Break Out (Battle Rep)

Tonight one of Professor Langes many horrific experiments escaped ( check out the build up from Me and my Opponent) and my Brits wanted samples to test.  Naturally the Germans did not want that. 
The village of Forlaas

The bio hazard was on the out skirts of the Village hunting for any living thing. The game was played with night rules  from Resurgence we used the flare rule ( On a roll of 4+ a flare is shot into the sky, lighting the battlefield up  and giving everyone normal visibility). 

Ziege IX Bio Hazard

The British advance

The British move in

The German horrors arrived!

A British squad advances in the left as a flare lights up the battlefield

Galahads spot the bio hazard in the flare light! 8 LMGs means a lot of firepower!!

The Bio Hazard was brought down in a hail of gunfire. It's super tough skill could not shrug off all of the 32 shots (Damn I love Galahads!).

That's That's lot of dice !!

Race is on to secure the corpse The German Wulfen bounded towards

Automated infantry engage the Wulfen

The Automated infantry in an impressive display of shooting wiped out the Wulfen.

The British infantry move in

Nachtjager descend on some Tommies out of the darkness

The Nachtjager descended out of the darkness and assaulted a unit of regular infantry men. They passed their morale check and bravely fought the horrors.  The Nachtjager ripped through several men but the survivors bravely fought back. 

The NCO  calmly takes out the Nachtjager with his shovel 
The Mudskipper moves up in support 

The German Puma moves forward to cover the Bio Hazard 

No flare this turn meaning shooting was drastically reduced.
Using the darkness the PIAT team snuck up on the German Puma

Being a quiet as possible 

A side shot destroys the Puma!

Unfortunately this revealed the PIAT teams location  and German retribution was swift.

German infantry wiped out the PIAT team 

British forces closed in. 

The Mudskipper leapt into the church yard and unleashed it's firepower on the German infantry .

The Mudskipper again fired at the infantry wiping them out.

British troops swarmed the buildings 
Galahads secure the objective

The Germans moved up forces to try and take the objective. 

German anti tank rifle attempts to take out the walker 

The German anti tank rifle fired point blank at the walker but it ricocheted off the armour.  The crew must have flinched though as next turn they failed an order test and went down.  

British troops moved to intercept the surviving German squad

A German Panzer had been sneaking around the rear of the church building, spotting a British squad loitering by the church it surged forward. Luckily the squad noticed and ran out of the way leaving the tank to strike the church building.

Tommies scatter as a Panzer tried to run them over 

The game went into an extra turn which the British used to get more forces around the fallen bio hazard. 

The game ended with a British win.  Great game with lots of Cool moments. Professor Lange has been thwarted this time