Wednesday 30 January 2019

Bio-Hazard Breakout (Aftermath )

The first few rays of sunlight appeared on the horizon to the east of the village of Forlaas. Sgt Harwood stretched, it had been a long night and he was ready for a cup of tea. Vehicles rumbled into village and Major Whitaker jumped out of the lead one. After speaking with the Lieutenant in charge he came over to Sgt Harwood and his Galahads.
"Well done Sergeant. How did you find the suits? All your boys come through ok? " the major asked.
"Galahad suits are amazing major that bio hazard didn't know what hit it.  Everyone is in good shape sir. The boys on the left flank got mauled by those damn bat things and then hammered by the German infantry. " Sgt Harwood replied. 
The major scratched his face,
"Yes I hear Dougie Boyd killed a Nachtjager by himself. Nearly decapitated the thing with a damn shovel !"
Sgt Harwood hadn't heard that.  Very impressive he thought.  He watched as stretcher bearers  loaded the wounded into field ambulances.
"Let's hope he pulls through sir"
The Major looked where Sgt Harwood was looking,
"Yes quite. Right the boffins are here for this" he tapped the dead bio hazard with the barrel of his Thompson in disgust,
"You and your men can stand down now and head back now" Major Whitaker turned  away from Sgt Harwood and started speaking to a recently arrived scientist.
Sgt Harwood signalled his squad who were still watching over the bio hazard corpse, his men noticeably relaxed, a few lit cigarettes, others wondered off to find friends or have a look around. Harwood noticed the Mudskipper walker stood in the church yard, he walked over to it. Walkers had fascinated Harwood since they had been introduced and he had not had chance to see a Mudskipper up close . The machine was impressive; it looked ready to pounce into action at any point.  He walked round to the front and saw the word 'Andraste ' painted just below the cockpit glass.  He noticed to bullet marks on the cockpit canopy,
"Bloody German anti tank rifle tried to shoot me, he looked right at me and winked ! ....cheeky bugger "
Harwood almost jumped at the sharp tone, he looked to his side and stood next to him was a short, thin brown haired lady in green overalls with captain insignias on, she held a helmet in one hand and was gesturing to the bullet marks.  He quickly saluted,
The captain turned to look at him,
"Oh yes sorry" she returned the salute.
"Still getting used to this saluting business , my names Captain Daniels and I pilot this beauty." She slapped the Mudskippers leg with pride.
"Shes quite a machine.  Andraste .." Harwood said reading the name absently, Captain Daniels smiled
"Yes Andraste she is the Celtic .."
Harwood interrupted her,
"goddess of war Ma'am. Seems a fitting name."
Captain Daniels looked shocked at Harwood.
"My father was a history teacher Ma'am" he smiled.
"Well I'm impressed. sergeant?" She said softer now
"Harwood Ma'am. Para trooper turned Galahad after Major Whitaker found us ." Harwood  motioned to some of his men milling around .
"He has a habit of that. Found me languishing behind a desk and had this idea to copy the Canadians.  They use female walker pilots. That bother you Sgt ?" Her tone changed to serious at this question. Harwood guessed she has had some trouble with other people .
"Ma'am I have fought dead Germans,  wolfmen and damn bat creatures straight out of a nightmare. A female walker pilot is not the strangest thing I have even seen today" he pointed at the dead bio hazard.
"Fair enough Sgt.  That thing looks disgusting. Your boys take it down?" She said more relaxed now.
"Yes Ma'am. "
"Good work. Right I need to find my co pilot.  She has gone on a ramble it seems ." With that Captain Daniels walked off. A horn beeped, Harwood turned and saw a lorry his unit in waiting for him.   He headed over and climbed aboard. As the lorry drove off he noticed a blast of  a flame thrower as the  scientists had obviously finished gathering samples and were disposing of the Bio Hazard. 

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