Thursday 10 January 2019

Bio-Hazard Breakout (Build up)

Sgt Harwood lent back against the ammo crates and ate from his mess tin. The other men in his section sat around the room eating their food. They all looked tired Sgt Harwood thought, they've been training hard in their new role. Major Whitaker walked in to the room, Harwood jumped to attention, his section were a second behind him in standing up.
"Sit down men and finish you're food. You are doing really well with the new tech I've been told. How are you finding Unit 24?"
Major Whitaker sat next to Harwood and accepted a mug of tea handed over by a soldier.
"Its good Sir. We are really enjoying the tech you have given us. It will really give us the edge in battle"  Harwood replied.
Major Whitaker put his mug down and stood up,
"That's good Sergeant,  because we have a mission. Our old friend Professor Lange has been trying to play God again and it seems one of his experiments has broken free. Intel says its headed towards the village of Forlaas . Now obviously we need to stop it before it destroys the village but it would be  very handy for the boffins if we could get a sample of whatever syrum or concoction of evil that damn Professor is using. What do you say?"

Sgt Harwood stood up,
"Sounds good to me sir. Plus any opportunity to give Professor Lange and his plans a bloody nose is always good" Harwood grinned menacingly and turned to his soldiers,
"Alright lads you heard the Major; Gear up and let's get going"
The room burst into action as the soldiers dropped what they were doing and filed out headed for the armoury.  Major Whitaker smiled and finished his tea.
"Excellent Sergeant. Be at dispersal area within the half hour or this show will go on without you old boy"
Major Whitaker walked out the room and Sgt Harwood followed. He turned right into the armoury as the Major carried on straight. His section were busy getting into their suits. He made sure they were all doing ok and then went over to his suit.   It still amazed him how it all worked but it was damned effective.
Sergeant Harwood led his troops out into the dispersal area. It was filled with running engines and shouts as soldiers loaded weapons and boarded lorries. In the middle was Major Whitaker. Sgt Harwood marched over, the ground shuddered as his men marched.
"Galahads reporting in sir "