Wednesday 30 January 2019

Bio-Hazard Breakout (Aftermath )

The first few rays of sunlight appeared on the horizon to the east of the village of Forlaas. Sgt Harwood stretched, it had been a long night and he was ready for a cup of tea. Vehicles rumbled into village and Major Whitaker jumped out of the lead one. After speaking with the Lieutenant in charge he came over to Sgt Harwood and his Galahads.
"Well done Sergeant. How did you find the suits? All your boys come through ok? " the major asked.
"Galahad suits are amazing major that bio hazard didn't know what hit it.  Everyone is in good shape sir. The boys on the left flank got mauled by those damn bat things and then hammered by the German infantry. " Sgt Harwood replied. 
The major scratched his face,
"Yes I hear Dougie Boyd killed a Nachtjager by himself. Nearly decapitated the thing with a damn shovel !"
Sgt Harwood hadn't heard that.  Very impressive he thought.  He watched as stretcher bearers  loaded the wounded into field ambulances.
"Let's hope he pulls through sir"
The Major looked where Sgt Harwood was looking,
"Yes quite. Right the boffins are here for this" he tapped the dead bio hazard with the barrel of his Thompson in disgust,
"You and your men can stand down now and head back now" Major Whitaker turned  away from Sgt Harwood and started speaking to a recently arrived scientist.
Sgt Harwood signalled his squad who were still watching over the bio hazard corpse, his men noticeably relaxed, a few lit cigarettes, others wondered off to find friends or have a look around. Harwood noticed the Mudskipper walker stood in the church yard, he walked over to it. Walkers had fascinated Harwood since they had been introduced and he had not had chance to see a Mudskipper up close . The machine was impressive; it looked ready to pounce into action at any point.  He walked round to the front and saw the word 'Andraste ' painted just below the cockpit glass.  He noticed to bullet marks on the cockpit canopy,
"Bloody German anti tank rifle tried to shoot me, he looked right at me and winked ! ....cheeky bugger "
Harwood almost jumped at the sharp tone, he looked to his side and stood next to him was a short, thin brown haired lady in green overalls with captain insignias on, she held a helmet in one hand and was gesturing to the bullet marks.  He quickly saluted,
The captain turned to look at him,
"Oh yes sorry" she returned the salute.
"Still getting used to this saluting business , my names Captain Daniels and I pilot this beauty." She slapped the Mudskippers leg with pride.
"Shes quite a machine.  Andraste .." Harwood said reading the name absently, Captain Daniels smiled
"Yes Andraste she is the Celtic .."
Harwood interrupted her,
"goddess of war Ma'am. Seems a fitting name."
Captain Daniels looked shocked at Harwood.
"My father was a history teacher Ma'am" he smiled.
"Well I'm impressed. sergeant?" She said softer now
"Harwood Ma'am. Para trooper turned Galahad after Major Whitaker found us ." Harwood  motioned to some of his men milling around .
"He has a habit of that. Found me languishing behind a desk and had this idea to copy the Canadians.  They use female walker pilots. That bother you Sgt ?" Her tone changed to serious at this question. Harwood guessed she has had some trouble with other people .
"Ma'am I have fought dead Germans,  wolfmen and damn bat creatures straight out of a nightmare. A female walker pilot is not the strangest thing I have even seen today" he pointed at the dead bio hazard.
"Fair enough Sgt.  That thing looks disgusting. Your boys take it down?" She said more relaxed now.
"Yes Ma'am. "
"Good work. Right I need to find my co pilot.  She has gone on a ramble it seems ." With that Captain Daniels walked off. A horn beeped, Harwood turned and saw a lorry his unit in waiting for him.   He headed over and climbed aboard. As the lorry drove off he noticed a blast of  a flame thrower as the  scientists had obviously finished gathering samples and were disposing of the Bio Hazard. 

Saturday 26 January 2019

Bio -Hazard Break Out (Battle Rep)

Tonight one of Professor Langes many horrific experiments escaped ( check out the build up from Me and my Opponent) and my Brits wanted samples to test.  Naturally the Germans did not want that. 
The village of Forlaas

The bio hazard was on the out skirts of the Village hunting for any living thing. The game was played with night rules  from Resurgence we used the flare rule ( On a roll of 4+ a flare is shot into the sky, lighting the battlefield up  and giving everyone normal visibility). 

Ziege IX Bio Hazard

The British advance

The British move in

The German horrors arrived!

A British squad advances in the left as a flare lights up the battlefield

Galahads spot the bio hazard in the flare light! 8 LMGs means a lot of firepower!!

The Bio Hazard was brought down in a hail of gunfire. It's super tough skill could not shrug off all of the 32 shots (Damn I love Galahads!).

That's That's lot of dice !!

Race is on to secure the corpse The German Wulfen bounded towards

Automated infantry engage the Wulfen

The Automated infantry in an impressive display of shooting wiped out the Wulfen.

The British infantry move in

Nachtjager descend on some Tommies out of the darkness

The Nachtjager descended out of the darkness and assaulted a unit of regular infantry men. They passed their morale check and bravely fought the horrors.  The Nachtjager ripped through several men but the survivors bravely fought back. 

The NCO  calmly takes out the Nachtjager with his shovel 
The Mudskipper moves up in support 

The German Puma moves forward to cover the Bio Hazard 

No flare this turn meaning shooting was drastically reduced.
Using the darkness the PIAT team snuck up on the German Puma

Being a quiet as possible 

A side shot destroys the Puma!

Unfortunately this revealed the PIAT teams location  and German retribution was swift.

German infantry wiped out the PIAT team 

British forces closed in. 

The Mudskipper leapt into the church yard and unleashed it's firepower on the German infantry .

The Mudskipper again fired at the infantry wiping them out.

British troops swarmed the buildings 
Galahads secure the objective

The Germans moved up forces to try and take the objective. 

German anti tank rifle attempts to take out the walker 

The German anti tank rifle fired point blank at the walker but it ricocheted off the armour.  The crew must have flinched though as next turn they failed an order test and went down.  

British troops moved to intercept the surviving German squad

A German Panzer had been sneaking around the rear of the church building, spotting a British squad loitering by the church it surged forward. Luckily the squad noticed and ran out of the way leaving the tank to strike the church building.

Tommies scatter as a Panzer tried to run them over 

The game went into an extra turn which the British used to get more forces around the fallen bio hazard. 

The game ended with a British win.  Great game with lots of Cool moments. Professor Lange has been thwarted this time 

Saturday 19 January 2019

The Hills are Alive!

I've been looking through my terrain collection and realised I don't really have any larger hills in my collection. I had 2 but I wasn't happy with them so I threw them away. I have also been watching a bit of the terrain tutor and one of the videos he does is about making hills out of expanding foam (Click here to watch). How I'm not going ton use the expanding foam bit as I had acquired some packing polystyrene.  Not the best stuff but it was free!
Looks already like a bunker!

I had 2 of the above pieces so I set to carving them into hill shapes. I wanted some paths on them but they are hollow so I could only carve so much away.

They were a little high so I cut some of the bottom off and used that to add some rocks and extra bits.
Now I added filler all over and sanded them as smooth as I could.
Filler added

All sanded
Next up added a base coat of dark grey (checking back on video I think my dark grey and the terrain tutors dark grey differ a fair bit ) to the hills.
I then added the same and gravel for the earth . Here I made an error I was supposed to add sand and gravel before the grey paint.

So another grey paint layer was added, then the earth was painted brown .

This was followed with a dry brush of grey and then a lighter dry brush

The light dry brush makes the dirt pop 

Now I moved into making the rocks look more rock like. Using a few dry brushes of light grey with a final small one of white on the edges.

Then last of all I added the flock and all finished! 

Not bad I don't think. What do you guys think?

Thursday 17 January 2019

From the Brink part 2

"Lets get him on the table. We don't have long" A faint voice was heard in the darkness flashbacks of jaws snapping sent bolts of pain through the darkness
"Get him sedated, he's starting to tremble" the faint voice said again. Soon the darkness overwhelmed again.

Voices again swimming in the darkness,
"It's remarkable he survived.  This soldier is a strong willed fellow. Those German mutts don't normally leave anything"
Flashbacks of blood soaked teeth closing in caused tendrils of pain across the darkness.
"I'm sure they would have finished the job but thankfully they were put down. How's are his rift improvements going? " the voice sounded familiar,  a flash of an officer's face giving a briefing. 
"Excellent. His body hasn't rejected anything which was our biggest concern.  The arm is in place and just needs a few more adjustments."
In the darkness impulses were sent to try and move an arm.
"Good God he's moving! Look the fingers! "
"Intriguing that shouldn't be possible?  Right we'll get him sedated again as he is not ready yet. "
Darkness rushed in.

Light this time not darkness, blurry images swimming around. 
"Right he's starting to come round.  His arm is locked and inoperative till we can talk to him properly.  He's been through hell so let's take it slowly"
The blurry light focused more and 5 figures could be made out. One in a uniform the others all in white.
"Lt Jenkins.....can you hear me?"
Jenkins ? My name.  Memories rushed to fill the void. 
"Ye... yes? Where....where am I?  What happened....what happened to me? " Lt Jenkins stammered drowsyly.
The figures whispered to each other, Jenkins strained to listen.
"Tell me god damn it" he rasped.
The man in uniform started to speak.
"Well old boy. You had a rather nasty run in with some Shreckwulfen. " he said calmly.
Memories flooded Jenkins thoughts, a battle, a desperate escape, an explosion, then bounding monsters and last sharp clawsand teeth descending.  Jenkins shuddered involuntary.  A sudden jolt hit him.
"My men what happened?" Then with a scowl "Lange...where is he?"
His sight was getting more clearer as he came out of what ever sedation he had been under.
"Try not to worry about your men right now" The officer started to say.
"Where are my men?" Jenkins said angrily.
More whispers amongst the white clothed people, doctors they looked like doctors Jenkins thought. Anger boiled up,  He clenched his fists subconsciously but then he felt an odd sensation. One hand was fine, the other he could not feel. He quickly moved his head to look at his hand. His eyes widened in shock,
"What in God's name have you done?!" He yelled.
The doctors all took a step back. The officer stepped forward and started to speak
"Right Jenkins so much for taking it slow. I'm Major Whitaker, you undertook a mission for me.  It was costly but you did well. The Germans caught up with you though. I won't lie it was a bloody mess.  Lange the little blighter escaped, you got attacked by god forsaken shreckwulfen.  Your two colleagues sadly did not survive and you by who knows what means managed to hold on to life long enough for us to find you. Sgt Harwood and several paratroopers made it back safe."
Jenkins lent back. At least someone made it back out of this mess.
"Major,  what about my family and again sir what have you done to me?" He asked, his head was getting clearer and clearer. The situation though was getting more and more confusing. The Major ran his hand through his hair and took a quick deep breath,
"Right you are still officially missing in action. That will change, I'll see to it your family know you are alive but no going home yet my boy.  England needs you and more importantly I need you. Right now about your arm....

Monday 14 January 2019

From the Brink

"Here Tim, Tim! " A voice whispered across the battlefield.  Smoke hung in the air and a few sporadic fires crackled here and there in the aftermath of Professor Langes escape . Several figures stopped their search and turned towards the sound of the whisper. 
"I said Tim I swear this chaps still alive." A soldier whispered earnestly to his compatriot.  The figures that had all stopped to listen now converged on the voice. All were trying to be as quiet as possible not wanting to attract German sniper fire.
"Good god James I think you are right. Sarge!" The figures crouched in a circle around a group of bodies , they parted as a tall thin man walked over. He looked down and said in a West Country accent.
"Are you sure Cummings lad? Remember that for sure German sniper we all hid from for 3 days?"
The other soldiers suppressed shorts of laughter. The soldier crouched over the body looked up
"Come on sarge. You guys are never gonna let me live that down . Yes it was a scare crow. I've said I'm sorry.  Look at this poor chap, these 2 have had it but I swear this one has a pulse." He pointed to a blood spattered neck. The body had been shredded and torn by something vicious and relentless. It looked lifeless, the Sergeant tried for a pulse.
"Cummings my lad you are only bloody right! Quick get out the stretcher. "
The surrounding figures quickly unfurled a stretcher.
"Rawlins, get on the radio, contact HQ tell them what we've found"
The sergeant stood back amazed at this poor chap clutching on to life though his body was a ruin. He probably wouldn't make it  but damn if we won't try our hardest he thought to himself. The figures gently moved the soldier onto the stretcher and lifted it up. The Sergeant  checked around, made sure all his soldiers were around and signalled to head back. 

The column of soldiers crossed back through the British lines. The Sergeant scanned for a field ambulance.  He couldn't see one when a major walked out of the shadows
"Evening Sergeant, heard you have found someone "
The sergeant and his soldiers snapped salutes.
"Oh yes quite" the major returned the salute
"Well done for finding this poor chap after that mess." The Major had a posh public school accent.
"Sir have you seen the field ambulance. I don't think this chap has long?" The Sergeant looked around anxiously.
"No field ambulances are available but load him onto that lorry and we will see him right " The Major gestured to a lorry parked behind the lines. The Major noticed the Sergeants quizzical look, he pulled out of his jacket a piece of paper and handed it to the sergeant. 
"All above board old chap.  We will take care of this poor bugger"
The sergeant scanned the orders , nodded towards the lorry and his soldiers hurried the stretcher  over where some orderlies loaded the aoldier into the lorry. 
The Major folded the paper up, put it back into his jacket and put out his hand
"You've done me a good deed sergeant. More than you realise. That poor chap was relying on us and we let him down but thanks to you we get a second chance to help him"
The sergeant taken aback shook the Majors hand.
"No ...problem sir. " the sergeant stammered and saluted. The Major returned the salute and walked away towards the waiting lorry.  The sergeant shook his head, what a wierd war this has become.
Major Whitaker climbed in the lorry cab and turned to the driver
"Lets go. We need to get back to base quickly or this poor bugger won't make it. I've sent the surviving Sergeant and his men the alternative route. They don't need to know about the lieutenant yet until we can be sure we can save him. "
The lorry pulled away from the lines and headed off into the night.

Thursday 10 January 2019

Bio-Hazard Breakout (Scenario)

One of Professor Lange's failed experiments has escaped! It is headed towards the village of Forlaas. The Germans have dispatched a force to kill it but the Brorish have also sent a force of to defend the village and obtain samples from the Bio-Hazard.

Night Fighting rules apply


1000pts each side.


5 Turns (6 turns on a 4+ roll )

Victory Conditions 

British need to defeat the Bio Hazard and get within base to base contact of it with any infantry model.

Germans need to destroy the Bio Hazard and stop British from obtaining samples from Bio Hazard


Bio-hazard has follwwing profile. 

Tooth and Claw
6+ to kill
Super Tough (Like tough but on a 4+ instead of 5+. Penetration has no effect.
Also uses AI (which I have made or will have by the time the game come a round)

Bio-Hazard Breakout (Build up)

Sgt Harwood lent back against the ammo crates and ate from his mess tin. The other men in his section sat around the room eating their food. They all looked tired Sgt Harwood thought, they've been training hard in their new role. Major Whitaker walked in to the room, Harwood jumped to attention, his section were a second behind him in standing up.
"Sit down men and finish you're food. You are doing really well with the new tech I've been told. How are you finding Unit 24?"
Major Whitaker sat next to Harwood and accepted a mug of tea handed over by a soldier.
"Its good Sir. We are really enjoying the tech you have given us. It will really give us the edge in battle"  Harwood replied.
Major Whitaker put his mug down and stood up,
"That's good Sergeant,  because we have a mission. Our old friend Professor Lange has been trying to play God again and it seems one of his experiments has broken free. Intel says its headed towards the village of Forlaas . Now obviously we need to stop it before it destroys the village but it would be  very handy for the boffins if we could get a sample of whatever syrum or concoction of evil that damn Professor is using. What do you say?"

Sgt Harwood stood up,
"Sounds good to me sir. Plus any opportunity to give Professor Lange and his plans a bloody nose is always good" Harwood grinned menacingly and turned to his soldiers,
"Alright lads you heard the Major; Gear up and let's get going"
The room burst into action as the soldiers dropped what they were doing and filed out headed for the armoury.  Major Whitaker smiled and finished his tea.
"Excellent Sergeant. Be at dispersal area within the half hour or this show will go on without you old boy"
Major Whitaker walked out the room and Sgt Harwood followed. He turned right into the armoury as the Major carried on straight. His section were busy getting into their suits. He made sure they were all doing ok and then went over to his suit.   It still amazed him how it all worked but it was damned effective.
Sergeant Harwood led his troops out into the dispersal area. It was filled with running engines and shouts as soldiers loaded weapons and boarded lorries. In the middle was Major Whitaker. Sgt Harwood marched over, the ground shuddered as his men marched.
"Galahads reporting in sir "

Monday 7 January 2019

Painted Sherman Firefly 'Havoc'

99% finished my Sherman Firefly (it just needs mud effects which I have ran out of) but I thought that's good enough to put up a post about it.  It was a nice model to paint. I appear to prefer painting vehicles as they are bigger so easier on the eyes 😂.
The tank is called Havoc in all honest because there were two names in the transfer sheet, Andrea and Havoc. Havoc got my vote.

I think it has come out ok. I tried a new thing for me of highlighting some of the edges of the tank.  I've seen people do this before.  As I mentioned it does need mud effects added but I need to buy some.
Have a great day!

Saturday 5 January 2019

Tanks Modern Age. Chieftain Stillbrew Tank

For those of you who follow my Facebook page ( Go an give it a like here ) you'll already know I have puchased another Chieftain tank to expand my British force for Tanks Modern Age. The kits are really simple to put together although I would like the instructions to be a bit bigger. This time round I chose the Stillbrew version of the Chieftain. This upgraded the armour of the Chieftain tank. In terms of the model it means the turret is slightly different.

Completed model
I'll hopefully get this painted soon.
Have a good one guys!

Friday 4 January 2019

Welcome 2019!

Welcome to 2019 happy New year guys! I've seen a lot of new years resolution type posts recently. I'm rubbish at sticking to any kind of resolution so not gonna say what models I will collect and paint etc but there are a few things I would like to do.

1. Play more games.  I don't play nearly enough games so I'm gonna actively try and play more even if some are solo games.

2. Attempt to play more D&D. This may prove difficult but I will give it a really good go. 

3. Organise the geek shelves. Seems like I need to do this a lot. It's my own fault as I put stuff back in wrong places and just add new stuff on top. I do have a miniatures
Case on route that holds 180 minis. Hopefully this will mean i can clear any general infantry (I have 40 odd British soldiers all roughly the same model in different poses) as they don't need to be ok display all the
time. This will make the shelves less cluttered and help me out in my quest to be more organised.

4. Stop rush painting miniatures. I need to get out of this habit of trying to finish a miniature on one sitting.  Sometimes it can be done but others I need to learn to wait and carry on another night.

5. Buy more paint colours. This seems obvious but I am still using the basic colours from the Army Painter starter set with a few additions.  So I am gonna aim to buy a pot a month or maybe 2. (Paints I can afford, sadly I can't buy models every month).