Wednesday 7 August 2019

Pirates of the Dread Sea

From the makers off Across the Dead Earth comes Pirates of The Dread Sea. After one successful kickstarter (I backed for an Elf Pirate ) to get the first miniatures produced the second one has just finished and successfully funded also(sadly I could not afford to back this one) . This one will bring a rule book and some more miniatures (a human crew and an undead crew) to the product line. I am in the Facebook grouo so have access to the beta rules (You can join also Here) which I've just downloaded and can't wait to try. They have event cards much like the ones from Across the Dead Earth. These are humorous (Inspirational singing. Sing a sea shanty to Inspire your character) and great. They add a great mechanic to the game. Always on hand to ruin your opponents plan.

I have made a pirate crew a while back when the guys first spoke about this game. I did do a blog about it (Read about them Here
They were assembled using bits from a pile of bits though I did buy a Captain model from black scorpion miniatures.

Now to have a proper read through and make up a crew


  1. Sounds good. I still need to get my minis from the first one. Couldn't afford the second one this time around its all about holidays at the minute.

    1. Yep same here. I have some pirates ready to try out the game though

  2. Still got my plank-theme based Sea Elves for Mordheim that should work well for this (no smelly black powder weapons though in true Warhammer Elf style lol)

  3. Excellent dude we'll have to have it ago sometime
