Tuesday 6 August 2019

Dragon Rampant

My regular opponent (Check out his Blog Here) mentioned starting a 15mm fantasy force up using the Dragon Rampant rules. I liked this idea as I used to a long while back play Warhammer Fantasy and 15mm allows me to have lots of units but not take up lots of space.  My friend decided on orcs and goblins. I went with Barbarians and we decided on a twist  where my savage barbarians  are going to attack and pillage the peaceful Orc and Goblin nation.  I even doodled a map of our fantasy land.

Beware the Barbarian menace from the North East

I've got my first unit of barbarian warriors which I'm currently painting.

My friend sent me this Link to gather my army. Its really good, miniatures and £6 for 12 figures. I've found a giant I want on another website as well.

I have to say it's a new challenge painting 15mm and with my eyes I'll most likely be using my magnifying glass a lot!


  1. Sounds good. Another friend of mine has tons of 15mm armies for DR. Copplestone does some really nice Barbarian types

    1. I think that's the company I am gonna get my giant from

  2. Looking forward to working on this project dude - been inspired for lots of fluff for UNORP!

    1. Excellent dude!!, I'll start thinking of some fluff for my Barbarians
