Thursday 7 March 2019


It's been a while I know. I have been up to stuff and not just skiving.
I borrowed a rule book called Broken Legions. It's  set in the Roman era with bands of fighters fighting Each other and mythical creatures.

After a read through decided I wanted the Sons of Sparticus warband. This is made up of Gladiators.  I found my leader miniature from Crusader Miniatures.

He has 2 gladius's so should be awesome in a scrap.  I have a rough war band planned out just buying the miniatures when I can. Though I also have just bought Assassins Creed Odyssey so I quite fancy getting an Argonaut War band also!

I'm busy planning another scenario for our konflikt 47 narrative campaign. This one involved Lange doing a dangerous experiment and requires a terrain piece made. I've got the piece of polystyrene .

I hope to add LEDs  to it!!! This will be a big step for me. Also need to get painting some miniatures for the scenario also.
I'll keep you updated but I don't wanna ruin the surprise for my opponent.


  1. Sounds good and a low model count. Have you looked at Gangs of Rome perhaps for figures?

    1. Yep but I do need to have a properlook at the range to be fair.

  2. I have this set of rules but most at the club want NOTHING to do with fantasy in whatever sense. Their choice of course but I feel They are in some ways missing out! In my head (but only their) I have planned a Roman Marine force!

    1. Oh man that's such a shame. Especially as these rules don't really don't need a lot of miniatures to play
