Wednesday 25 October 2023

Boring but Necessary

 With this month's hobby budget I decided to buy something to transport my infantry . For too long my infantry have rattled along loose in a tray while I drive hoping I don't have to slam my brakes on. So I took the plunge and grabbed this carrier. It holds 200 infantry so that's took up all my infantry. The squares are a little tight for 32mm base but I can pull the middle out of two squares to make a bigger square.

It's really nice and was reasonably priced plus there is space for maybe a unit or 2 more. I have one unit coming from France off Etsy so that will be a new addition to the army!

Monday 23 October 2023

Painted things!

 It's been a busy few weeks as the oldest has to choose his secondary school but I have been doing some painting! 

Up doesn't are some Ogryns you saw unpainted I'm my last blog post.

I'm super chuffed with these I especially like the leader who will be my proxy Nork Deddog. He looks very dapper in his coat. All painted with speed paints and the new metallic speed paint. The colour scheme is similar to my Krieg squad to keep a theme going through. Granted they were fairly simple to paint with not a huge amount of detail but I love em I can't lie. 

Next up is some Krieg Death Marshall's to bolster my Krieg squads (Give me that feel no pain please!)

Again all painted with speed paint. I really like the power claws on them. Also the same scheme so no I have a bit of uniformity across my Krieg. I know lots of people use darker colours but that seems a bit drab to me . 

Last but not least the beast that is a Rogal Dorn

This tank looks really good and I'm super happy with how it came out. Can't wait to use it in a game ! I love the chap on the back with the heavy stubber. This thing is armed to the teeth so that will be fun to unleash and it's unique ability will be good for frustrating opponents once a game. 

Currently working on the bulgryns and Sgt Harker so they should be done this week. Have a good one all!

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Birthday goodies!

 So it was my birthday last month and add usual I asked for a bunch of models (mostly GW can't lie). I was blessed enough too get a few things. The aim is to chill on the Guard  models now as I have quite a collection now. I am trying to pick up a few things I wanted but haven't got. So my family got me a Rogal Dorn! A beast of a tank I have to say. Not the easiest kit in the world to build but as down and undercoated awaiting is place in the paint queue.

It's a beast and has many many guns!!!!!

Next up was done Kasrkin. Now I had some of these proxied with other miniatures but I really like the Kasrkin sculpts so took the opportunity to get them.  Now these have managed to be painted!! I had a simple colour scheme in my head and I think it works

This guy is my favourite 

I liked the idea of a winter type camo with red visors.  What do you guys think?

I will say after painting a while with speed paints I need to be a bit braver to paint stuff on top of it. There were some details.i could have picked out on the las guns on a different colour. I will try that next time .

Now next up was a surprise, a parcel arrived which I assumed was for me as I have some Krieg look alikes coming off Etsy. But no the legend that was Alex of Alex does hobby fame! Inside were some ogryns and bulgryns from etsy (handily the same type of scheme that my Krieg are from. Grim guard on Etsy check em out!) These look awesome and are next to paint!

I love these guys so much character! The leader I will use a proxy for Nork Deddog . I'm gonna do them in the same scheme as my Krieg so it's all a bit consistent. 

And that's that well I know I have one more model or there with family just not been delivered yet.

I also got cyberpunk from my awesome friend Dave so that's ok my PS5 at the moment!