Monday 27 December 2021

Christmas 2021

 Well what a busy few months! Sorry the blogs been quiet. The run up to Christmas has been a bit crazy and the wife working from home has limited my gaming space that I used for solo games. I have been playing bloodbowl I need to write that up.

Still painting my birthday Fallout and rumbleslam stuff, I tend to flit between wanting to paint lots and then not feeling it at all. Well Christmas has been and gone I hope you had a good one! No super big ideas for me this year as I'm having a severe and boring adult look at the space I have and what miniatures I can probably get rid of but I still got very lucky through friends and family.

I got the Victory at Sea full rules and Star grave rule book. 

My good friend Dave got me some subs and MTBs for my IJN fleet so more torpedoy goodness. The green box is a Cargo ship free with Vas rules. Last an Armoured car added some more punch  to my Brits 

Another friend got me some Commandos so a new force is on the horizon me thinks! 

My sister in law got me this so will be interesting to learn how to use it! Be a bit different to the glass ramikin I use at moment. 

My aunt got me this swanky dice holder. I'm thinking blood bowl and Dnd dice in here. 

Non gaming item of excitement is a Churrio maker!!

Have a good new year period and here's to gaming in 2022!