Saturday 30 June 2018

Games Night Part 2 Gaslands

Second game of the night was Gaslands! We built a more countryside looking track (stone walls we classed as crash barriers) with shipping containers as the gates. Straight up death race was on the cards, I had a pick up truck (ram, HMG and a nitro booster) and 2 buggies (one with a HMG the other a Caltrop dropper). My opponent had two vans one with a ram the other with rockets.

Racers at thr start

I got pole position and started the race with my buggy!

Packed start lots of tight manoeuvring!

My HMG buggy puts his foot down and heads through the first gate.

Going through the gears the buggy recklessly floors it

Closely followed by my opponents smash van and the other racers

All vehicles aim for the gate

My other buggy was pushed out wide and had to swerve (or veer can't remeber which template I used) to avoid hitting the gate!

Quite proud of my template choice and placement

My pick up truck was at the back stuck behind my opponents rocket van so there was only one option!

Ram attack!!

I T boned the van causing a good few points of damage.  Meanwhile my lead buggy was struggling to manoeuvre as it was going to fast. It crashed into the crash barriers

Over cooked the corner and smash!

But my buggy obvously had licknon his side. The impact caused one point of damage which I evaded! My other buggy not so lucky filled Terribly with skid dice and slid into a bunch of trees! !


The buggy took a hell of a bang from this crash . My pick up was still stuck behind the rocket van a blast from its HMG  knocked off a few more hull points. Then another ram

Another smash

The rocket van not being able to get a shot off with its rockets used handguns on the buggy that had crashed into the trees.  The hail of pistol fire killed the driver and the buggy wrecked  (though again we forgot the wreck rules D'oh)


In revenge my pick up truck rammed the van again

Smash again!

This time the van was spun around!

To many hazards so it's spun!

The ram van fell foul of the once you pick a template you have to use when my opponent picked the hairpin!  Soon he was smashing through the walls and into a shipping container

Oh crap!

My HMG buggy sorts it self out and the run to finish is reasonably achieved and he takes the win!

Winning photo
Love the absolute carnage!

Great game again! Now I have to look at simpler rules as my son's want to play as well!!

Games Night Part 1

First game up was Konflict 47. A scenario I had written about an Eagle has Landed attempt on Churchills life.
Churchill is at his summer retreat and the Germans have got Intel on that location. They have dispatched a small force to eliminate him before nearby forces can be alerted.
The scenario used night fighting rules and used my own sentry rules. The starting forces were Churchill and 2 armoured infantry  as body guards. Also there was one squad of 10 infantry. 6 were in one spot camping awaiting their turn on watch. The other 4 were the sentries.

Churchill and his guards
The sentries starting points and rest of squad camped out.

The sentries act randomly according to a chart I made depending on a roll of an order dice.  They have a 2d6 distance they can see and if that covers enemy they take a 'shot' if they hit they have spotted enemy and raise alarm. Any gunfire raises alarm.
If the alarm is raised I can roll on a chart to bring in local forces to rescue Churchill.

Sentries on patrol

Game started with sentries patrolling each side of the house.

German forces start to arrive (plus my son's hotwheel car it seems)

The Germans started to arrive only the lieutenant and Totenkorps had trouble and didn't get on the board.

Sentry very nearly spots the Germans but it's just to dark

One sentry almost spots the approaching Germans but it is just to dark so he fails to see anything.

After a close shave the Germans shift thier direction

With the sentry getting close the Germans move behind some woods. All the sentries were oblivous to encroaching threat.

Shreckwulfen sneak past a sentry

(Above photo is my mates. Check out his blog here)  The Shreckwulfen sneak past a sentry and the totenkorps finally arrive.

The lieutenant finally gets the Totenkorps on the battlefield
Shreckwulfen strike!

Seizing their opportunity the Shreckwulfen bound forward and rip a sentry to shreds. No one noticed (we rolled to see if sentry screamed and left the model on its side in case another sentry spotted it. Also we didn't allow reaction fire or point blank as sentry's back was to the shreckwulfen) and the Germans advanced.

The German infantry sneaks past a sentry.
Even still the sentry sees nothing!

The German infantry succesfully makes it into the building opposite the building containing Churchill and right next to the camping Tommies all unseen.

Totenkorps emerge from the dark wood to strike

The shambling Totenkorps emerge from the dark wood and attack the sentry. He gets a shot off (he was facing right way and we decided zombies are slow enough if you pass a leadership test you can stand and shoot).
The alarm was now raised!!

Churchill and his bodyguards get ready

Churchill and his guards go into ambush while the resting squad drop their tea, grab their weapons and head out to investigate (we ruled I could not straight away attack Germans in house as they had not been seen or fired a shot yet).
As the British Tommies emerged from out of the court yard they heard howls and turned to see shreckwulfen charging at them!!

The wolves decend!!

A vicious fight erupts and 6 Tommies were torn to pieces! The surviving 2 members fight back and (mostly thanks to NCO ) kill 2 shreckwulfen!

A brave stand!

The Tommies pass their leadership test and have to fight the horror again!  The shreckwulfen cuts down another soldier leaving just the NCO who attacks only to see the wound heal up. It's to much for the NCO and he is destroyed.

The NCO falls to the shreckwulfen

I managed to roll a 6 on the chart I had written meaning my whole force could attempt to enter the board and rescue Churchill.

A bren carrier and armoured infantry rush on the board

A bren carrier rushed on using the road to get as close to Churchill as possible.

Totenkorps move as a blocking force

The totenkorps shuffle toqarsa the new arrivals trying to create a blocking force.  The armoured infantry and bren carrier engage and being a couple down but they still move forward.
Meanwhile the lone shreckwulfen bursts into the house that contains Churchill and charges up the stairs


But Churchill and his guards are cool under pressure and open fire on the shreckwulfen as it burst upstairs bringing it down in a hail of bullets (we rolled separate dice for Churchill and he brought the wolf down with his Tommy gun! ) without even taking his cigar out of his mouth. 

Churchill dispatches the shreckwulfen

Then from across the way the German infantry unleash a hail of fire at Churchill and his guards. A lucky bullet (damn you exceptional damage!!!!) Struck Churchill and he was down!!!!!!!!!

Churchill down!!

The game ended with a German victory! As the British player I like to imagine that the remaining Germans forces were destroyed but the damage was done!

Great game, our most tactical game yet!  The sentry rules worked ok (we were quite easy going and kept it centered around being thematic) the sentries mostly (couple of times they moved 1 inch but that gave them a nice randomness) walked in a sentry like manner. Their spotting failed miserably due to my rolls allowing some super sneaky German movement. Churchill did really well till my opponent rolled exceptional damage!! I had got 2 bren carriers and a half track on the board that the next turn I could have got to the house. Great game and brilliant manoeuvring from the Germans!

Thursday 28 June 2018

Force for tomorrow's Game

Tomorrow night is games night and we are trying trying special scenario written by me! It is an assassination scenario (think eagle has landed). Where a smaller force tries to eliminate a high value target before local forces can be made aware and come to help.  I've written  some sentry rules so one squad will be split into sentries, the VIP will have 2 bodyguards and that's it. If the alarm is raised more forces arrive. We are trying 300 pts attackers  and 1000pts attacker (majority will be off table unless alarm raised.
Let's see how it all goes!!

Sunday 24 June 2018

Quick update!

As mentioned in my last blog I wanted to add something to the bases of the male sirvivors.  I did this last night

I added  some road markings and hopefully you can see a bit of white dry brushing on kerb edges

Saturday 23 June 2018

Done some painting!

Managed to get some painting done in the last couple of days.  I started on the Project Z male survivors. First four are pretty much done.

SA-80 wielding man

This guy is packing an assault rifle and back up chain saw for up close and personal encounters!

I imagine this chap was interrupted watching his tv shows by the apocalypse

Only had time to grab his flip flops as the zombies interrupted his favourite t.v. show!

This dude is ready for the zombies

This survivor is embracing the apocalypse with his pistol and machete!

This was prepared a long time ago

I imagine this guy as either a doomsday prepper or someone who was quick to realize the situation and prepared quicker than most!

All done. I think  the bases may need something extra on them.
On an separate note regular opponent has his own blog now so you should check it out! Here is the  link 

Have a great day!

Saturday 16 June 2018

Project Z Zombies

After assembling both sets of survivors I had a box of zombies to make up. 
You get a selection of female and male zombies. After my efforts with the male and female survivors I was concerned about putting these together. It was then pointed  out to me by  brummieswargaming blog that I should give poly cement a try. I got a tube of of poly cement and I'm 2 nights all zombies made!!

Female zombies

Above are the female zombies my personal favourite is the Baywatch style zombie (first row on far left) also  the half zombie dragging herself along which is pretty horrible 😲.

Male zombies

Above are the male zombies. The zombie pulling the IV line is my favourite.
Using poly cement made these so much easy . The kits go together really nice but you are limited to pretty much the poses on the back of the box but they are really nice still. 
Thanks to the great weather managed to get all these and.the survivors primed ready for painting.

Now to finish these night shifts so I can get painting. Have a great day folks

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Games Night

Tonight me and my friend Jay played  Star Wars Rebellion. He was imperial and I was the rebel alliance.  Throughout the game my diplomat struggled to gain a
Support for the alliance meaning my military capability was not good but I kept the base hidden and not much combat was had anyway. The empire subjugated and turned more and more planets loyal. The turning point was when my diplomat was captured and interrogated.  She gave up 3 sytems 1 of which was where the rebel base was.  A few small fleets soon located the fake systems and the battle was set. My last ditch attempt at moving my base failed and I had to stand and fight.

The forces were arrayed

There were more forces than in the picture and a pitched space battle erupted followed by a massive ground battle. I held my own in the first engagements but then ominously the death star moved in.  Lando tried one last attempt but failed and boom!!!!

Boom rebel base turned to dust

I had 3 home one type ships soni like to think the rebellion wasn't done but this game was over imperial forces crushed this rebellion quite significantly.

Great game!!