Wednesday 29 June 2016

X-Wing Miniatures Millenium Falcon

For fathers day the kids bought me a Millenium falcon to add to my rebel fleet. I was going to wait for the heroes of the resistance pack (milleniun falcon from the force awakens plus poe's black x wing T70) to come out  but its ages away yet and impatience over came.
Opening the box you get a leaflet with an extra scenario in and bits explaining extra rules for the big ship (X wing does this a lot with any new ships) and all the cards you will need.

The tokens and cards are great quality with excellent art work and have been popped out and sorted into my x wing storage.

The cards contain a mix of missiles crew cards and engine upgrades.
And last obvously you get a great detailed miniature Millenium Falcon.

Hopefully the Falcon will be in battle this Friday. I'll let you know how it goes!

Game board phase 3

Next up on the game board list of things to do is the roads. One option I'd seen was cork board but I didn't have access to this so undecided to try Poundland cake board. It's about 5mm thick and made up of dense cardboard I believe.  It was a nightmare to cut with a craft knife but I eventually cut out the 3 sections I needed.  2 straights and one turn for my 3 urban tiles.

I beviled (I think that's the right word! ) the sides so they slant down and cut into the roads some pot holes and cracks.

Next up will be undercoating and textured paint on.

Monday 27 June 2016


To add some more greenery to my games I've been looking at getting more trees for wooded areas of terrain. These will come in handy should I get into other games such as bolt action. The cheapest way I know if is ordering some model railway trees off eBay. They come from China but are great for quick and easy woods. This time round I bought 20 trees for £5 with free delivery. They do take a couple of weeks to arrive as they are coming a long way.
I bought 2 different types of trees.
The first is a more fern type tree (excuse my lack of tree knowledge)

These trees are about 4 inches tall. The next lot of trees I bought were a bit wider

Hopefully I will be able to make a couple of wooded areas from these trees. I'm also deciding whether to make the trees able to come out when need to fit models on when they enter the terrain. I'll let you know how it goes! have a great day.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Been awhile oops!

Sorry it's been so long but I've been working a lot 6 12hr shifts really takes it out of you lol No modelling done this week though I have spent way to much time drooling over bolt action  (so expect an army bought at some point thanks to my weak will).
Fathers day has been and gone so happy fathers day to the dads out there. My kids bought me the Millenium falcon for x wing!

I'll try and get a post up with what's in the box. I've bought some stuff to attempt the urban tiles so hopefully they'll be a post up about that as well.
Have a great week!

Friday 10 June 2016

Game Board Phase 2!!

The next phase is flocking the bits of the board that are going to be the grassy sections (yep I'm getting all the easy bits done first! !)

Cratered section
Some rough vehicle tracks
2 more boards. More uniformly just grassy

Now payday is arriving soon I can work on the urban rules. I want to add some roads so that will be the next plan. Have a great day folks