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Tuesday 19 February 2019

Fist of Mars (Build up)

Sgt Harwood walked into the briefing hut tucked away in Unit 24s base . There was a buzz around as people filed in something big was happening. He found his Galahad squad already sat down and nodded as they motioned to a seat they had saved.  He looked around at the troops walking in and spotted a short man in a tankers uniform cigarette clamped between his teeth walking in and sitting near the front.
"Attention!" Someone yelled, instinctively everyone stood to attention.  Major Whitaker and his aides walked in clutching maps and folders.  Major Whitaker stood at the front of the room in a raised stage and motioned everyone to sit down.
"Morning Gentleman. I know you have known something has been going well now you can find out what all the secret meetings have been about."
Whitaker pulled a roller down showing an old painting. Harwood was intrigued, the painting showed what looked like a Roman warrior raising a  fiery gauntlet to the sky, what this had to do with the briefing he had no idea. A murmur rippled around the room.
"This is a 14th century painting of a Roman warrior believed to be Acacius. You'll notice his rather fiery fist. That is believed to be the Fist of Mars . A gauntlet of immense power"
Somebody  scoffed in the audience.
"Yes Rogers  have you something to add?" Whitaker asked dryly, an awkward few seconds passed.
"Right. Now I know most of you are thinking why does a tommie  like me need to be bothered by this . " he pointed at the gauntlet  to be honest Harwood couldn't see what Whitaker was getting at.
"The Gauntlet is supposed to imbune the wearer with significant power , now I'm not convinced by this but 3 years ago if you said we would be fighting the walking dead and werewolves you would have been put in the nuthouse. Even so I don't think we want the Germans getting hold the gauntlet at all.  I believe I have located the Gauntlets resting place. Or at least pinned it down to an area. Unfortunately the Germans have also discovered this fact. " a flash of anger went across his face;
"We will get to the bottom of that little matter I assure you." He pulled a map down and using a stick pointed out various things on the map.
Harwood listened and made a few notes that he thought could be relevant.
The Major finished his briefing,
"OK gentleman, since the sighting of the Tiger X with Lange's forces and rumours of a possible Zeus class walker. I put in a request for some more anti tank." A cough rang out,
"Don't worry Bert you and that PIAT are still our best anti tank weapon" Major Whitaker chuckled.  Everyone laughed a soldier stood up and bowed.
"OK settle down. I'd like to introduce you to Sgt Jones commander of the Firefly tank Havoc. He'll be assisting us on an indefinite basis" the man in tank uniform Harwood had spotted earlier acknowledged people looking at him.
"You'll notice I have not mentioned who is in charge of this operation,  we have a new lieutenant, well new to most of you. Sgt Harwood and his men might recognise him. "
Harwoods mind raced, his men glanced amongst themselves, Harwood went through the officers he knew and couldn't come up with a name. Major Whitaker continued
"Don't worry everyone this isn't his  first ramble and now he is Rift tech improved. " People started to whisper and talk in disbelief. A door opened and in marched a lieutenant. People started to talk even more as he strode in. He had what appeared to be a pneumatic fist powered by some kind of apparatus on his back and half his face was covered by a plate . He had one glowing red eye . Harwood thought he recognised the officer but it couldn't be .  No way could it be. The lieutenant stood next to Major Whitaker,
"This is Lt Jenkins formerly of the Parachute regiment and colleague of our Galahad squad."
Harwood stopped and stared.  It wasn't possible was it?

(For German perspective check out my opponents blog Here)